Forest of Piano

SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Familie, Romantik, Musik + Kultur, Drama, Sonstige, Animation, Komödie • Japan • 2018


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Wer streamt "Forest of Piano"

Als Shuhei Amamiya aus Tokio an die Moriwaki-Grundschule in einer Kleinstadt wechselt, ist er voller Vorfreude. Aber seine Hoffnungen werden schnell enttäuscht, als ihn die Schulschläger aufs Korn nehmen und wegen seiner Liebe zum Klavierspiel drangsalieren. Sie fordern ihn zu einer Mutprobe heraus: Er soll auf einem geheimnisvollen Piano mitten im Wald spielen. In der Stadt heißt es, das Piano wäre nicht spielbar, doch nachts hört man Melodien aus dem Wald. Als sich Shuhei der Herausforderung stellt, lernt er den rätselhaften Kai Ichinose kennen. Kai stammt aus einer armen Familie und scheint der Einzige zu sein, der dem Piano einen Ton abringen kann. Die jungen Pianisten haben rein gar nichts gemeinsam außer ihrer Begeisterung für Mozart und Chopin...

Wo läuft "Forest of Piano"?

"Forest of Piano" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:

Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Soma Saito, Natsuki Hanae, Junichi Suwabe, Hideyuki Tanaka, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Maaya Sakamoto, KENN, Aoi Yuki, Katsuyuki Konishi, Marie Miyake, Mariya Ise, Yuichi Nakamura, Koji Yusa, Bin Shimada, Hiroshi Yanaka, Ryoko Shiraishi, You Taichi, Ryo Hirohashi, Motoko Kumai
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch


1. Staffel 1 (12 Episoden)
Kai spielt, schon seit er klein war, auf einem alten Klavier im Wald, Shuheis Vater ist ein berühmter Pianist. Ihr zufälliges Treffen verändert ihr Leben und ihre Musik.
Der Auserwählte
Shuhei Amamiya transfers into Kai Ichinose's elementary school. As an aspiring pianist, he's shocked that Kai has no teacher after hearing him play.
To play Chopin's Pieces
To Ajino, who hurt his musical abilities in a car accident, meeting Kai seems like fate. But Kai just wants to be able to play a certain Chopin piece.
Mozarts Vermächtnis
Ajino sets a Mozart piece as Kai's entry for the contest, but Kai worries that he hasn't found his own style of playing. Shuhei is favored to win.
The Best Piano
After Takako's performance, it's time for Kai to take the stage. With his mother, Ajino and Shuhei's father watching, it's time to show his skills.
God of Competition
After the contest, Shuhei transfers back to Tokyo and Kai finds that the piano in the woods is broken. Takako vows to win for Kai's sake.
Das Klavier im Wald
The piano in the forest goes up in flames, but Ajino tells Kai that it can live on within him. His mother tells him to concentrate on his music.
Five years later, Shuhei returns to Japan determined to see Kai again. After some searching, he finds his friend in a very unexpected place.
Die Herausforderung
An injured Takako travels to Tokyo with her teacher Shiba, who first noticed her at the competition five years before. There, she meets Kai again.
Neue Zeichen in Warschau
At the Chopin competition preliminaries in Poland, Kai nearly has a meltdown, but Shuhei performs as usual. Shuhei is frustrated when they meet again.
Der Chopin-Wettbewerb
The first contestants take the stage for the Chopin competition. Kai is shocked that a Chinese pianist's playing sounds just like Ajino's.
New Wind from Poland
Shuhei takes the stage at the competition, impressing everyone. Taking a walk to calm his nerves, Kai meets Polish pianist Lech.
It’s finally Kai’s turn to play. His playing transports the audience to the forest as Shuhei, Takako and Ajino reflect on their friend’s journey.
2. Staffel 2 (24 Episoden)
Kai und Shuhei bereiten sich nach der ersten Phase des Chopin-Wettbewerbs auf die nächste Runde vor und setzen sich mit der Frage auseinander, warum sie Klavier spielen.
For Your Living Evidence
The names of those advancing to the second round of the Chopin competition are announced, and Shuhei is shocked when Adamski fails to make the cut.
In the Country Where Chopin Was Born
Following Sophie Ormesson, Wei Pang takes the stage. Though deeply influenced by Ajino, he demonstrates a depth and pain not found in Ajino's playing.
Out of the remaining 30 pianists, only 12 will advance to the final round. Shuhei takes the stage with just one goal in mind for his performance.
The Best Pianist in the World
Lech Szymanowski performs with his sister, Emilia in his heart. Despite the hometown preference for a Polish contestant, Kai's playing wows the crowd.
Once Kai's finishes his performance, it's all up to the judges. But one judge argues against allowing Kai to advance and requests a complete recount.
After the results are announced, Kai catches Shuhei at a bad time. The next day, they have a painful conversation in a park.
Deliberations Dance
In the last round, pianists perform with an orchestra. Rumors fly when Wei Pang doesn't show up as scheduled, while Kai worries about Shuhei.
After reuniting in a practice room at the Chopin Academy, Kai and Shuhei take a morning walk through Warsaw. Shuhei is shocked by Kai's plans.
For Your No.1
A painful article is published about Wei Pang's past, but all he cares about is Ajino's opinion. Before Pang takes the stage, they meet on the stairs.
Episode 10
Though Lech wants to win for his sister's sake, the final day is Kai's chance to show the world who he is and how far he's come with his performance.
Episode 11
Kai's performance is a triumph, but Lech has the final slot -- and hometown support. As he plays, he has a vision of his sister, Emilia.
Episode 12
The winners are finally announced to an electrified audience. Shuhei sheds tears of joy when he hears Kai's placement. Ajino receives shocking news.
Chopin’s Journey
The names of those advancing to the second round of the Chopin competition are announced, and Shuhei is shocked when Adamski fails to make the cut.
Put His Everything for the Piano
Following Sophie Ormesson, Wei Pang takes the stage. Though deeply influenced by Ajino, he demonstrates a depth and pain not found in Ajino's playing.
Out of the remaining 30 pianists, only 12 will advance to the final round. Shuhei takes the stage with just one goal in mind for his performance.
Lech Szymanowski performs with his sister, Emilia in his heart. Despite the hometown preference for a Polish contestant, Kai's playing wows the crowd.
Schwierige Überlegungen
Nach Kais Auftritt liegt alles in der Hand der Jury. Ein Jurymitglied ist gegen Kais Qualifizierung für die Finalrunde und fordert eine Neuauszählung der Stimmen.
After the results are announced, Kai catches Shuhei at a bad time. The next day, they have a painful conversation in a park.
For Your No.1
In the last round, pianists perform with an orchestra. Rumors fly when Wei Pang doesn't show up as scheduled, while Kai worries about Shuhei.
Die Wahrheit über Wei Pang
Nach ihrem Wiedersehen in einem Übungsraum der Chopin-Akademie machen Kai und Shuhei eines Morgens einen Spaziergang durch Warschau. Shuhei ist von Kais Plänen bestürzt.
For Your Living Evidence
A painful article is published about Wei Pang's past, but all he cares about is Ajino's opinion. Before Pang takes the stage, they meet on the stairs.
In dem Land, in dem Chopin geboren wurde
Obwohl Lech um seiner Schwester willen gewinnen möchte, bekommt Kai am letzten Tag noch einmal die Chance, der Welt mit seinem Auftritt den Atem zu verschlagen.
Kais Auftritt ist ein voller Erfolg, doch Lech tritt als Letzter und mit Heimvorteil auf. Beim Spielen sieht er seine Schwester Emilia vor sich.
Der beste Pianist der Welt
Die Gewinner werden verkündet. Das Publikum kann es kaum erwarten. Shuhei vergießt Freudentränen, als er Kais Platzierung erfährt. Ajino erhält schockierende Neuigkeiten.