
SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Animation, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Horror, Drama, Thriller • Japan • 2005


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Ihre Bewertung

Mushi sind Wesen, die man weder als Tiere, Pflanzen, Insekten oder Geister bezeichnen kann. Sie existieren in unterschiedlichsten Arten auf der Welt. Sie leben in Städten, der Natur, im Wasser oder in der Luft sowie neben Pflanzen, Tieren und Menschen. Manche Arten finden aus Versehen, manche auch gezielt, den Kontakt zu Menschen und gehen eine Verbindung ein, die für diese sowohl gut als auch schlecht sein kann. Der Protagonist Ginko, ein Mushishi, ist ein Mann, der sich auf Mushi spezialisiert hat. Er sammelt Informationen und rettet auf seinen Streifzügen durchs Land oftmals von Mushi befallenen Menschen das Leben oder befreit sie zumindest aus einer unangenehmen Situation, die durch Mushi entstanden war.

Yuto Nakano, Mika Doi, Yuji Ueda, Daisuke Kishio, Yoko Hikasa, Haruka Shiraishi, Mitsuru Miyamoto, Koki Uchiyama


1. Staffel 1 (27 Episoden)
Die grüne Schale
Shinra, a boy living in a forest with mysterious powers, calls for Ginko, The Mushishi, to help him with his problems. While Ginko is staying with Shinra, he tells him all about Mushi and his powers. Later on, while walking in Shinra's house at night, Ginko finds a Mushi... But this isn't an ordinary Mushi, it's Shinra's grandmother!
Das Licht der Augenlider
A girl named Sui has an unusual disease that causes pain in her eyes whenever she sees light. She has to be locked in a pitch black shed that has no light in it. A boy named Biki helps Sui by removing bandages, giving her food, and just talking to her. Biki's mother is worried about him getting the illness, so she tells him not to stay as long as he normally would with Sui. One day while Biki is talking to her, she tells him why she has that illness: There are Mushi in her eyes. Biki continues to take care of her until one night when he is reading by a candle, a strange pain comes to his eyes.
Zarte Hörner
On silent snowy nights, when no sounds can be heard, many people go deaf in one or both ears. The doctors can't do anything, so they think it might be paranormal. Ginko looks into some of the villager's ears and he tells them that the cause is a Mushi called "Un". After dealing with their small problems there is one more person who has lost sound in both of his ears and his condition is very different than the other people's, as he has also grown four horns on his head.
Ginko hears a rumor around town that a man is has prophetic dreams every once in a while. He suspects that Mushi are living in his dreams. He gives the man medicine to keep them under control and says he will come back when he has used about all of them. When Ginko returns, the village is deserted and torn up. Ginko finds the man alone in is house. The man then tells him about what happened while he was away.
Der reisende Sumpf
Adashino-sensei is looking to buy some of the items that Ginko has obtained on his journey. He especially wants the wine cup that was drawn by Shinra, But Ginko says it's too rare to be sold to collectors. He tells Adoshenei-sensei about the strange being he met while in the forest and he also explains how the swamp is moving towards the sea. This looks like the work of a Mushi...
Tautropfen trinkendes Feld
Ginko is on another adventure as he is brought to a very peculiar island, by a young boy Nagi. Ginko is taken to see a girl, who the island inhabitants refer to as "Ikigami" and is said to be able to perform miracles however Ginko discovers that there is more to this.
Wenn Regen fällt, entsteht ein Regenbogen
On a rainy day Ginko takes a rest from his travels and comes across a man named Kourou who seems to be obsessed with a rainbow. To pass the time Kourou reminisces in his past, with the events which led to him pursuing rainbows whenever they appear. Ginko explains to him that the rainbow which he is searching for is actually a Mushi known as "Koda" but there seems to be more to it.
Von der Meeresgrenze
Ginko is waiting along the sea shore, for a transport to get him across the bay when he meets a man called Shirou, who lost his wife under strange circumstances. Ginko seems interested and decides to listen to his story about how he lost his wife in a swarm of sea snakes, during fog. Ginko later comes back with information on the Mushi that caused the bizarre events.
Schwere Ernte
While on his journey, Ginko stumbles upon a town which has yielded a great crop this year, thanks to their ancestors. However, it is said that someone must be sacrificed in exchange. Ginko finds this peculiar and decides to investigate further, by going to see the village "Saishu-sama" (chief mourner) who may have something to do with it.
Lebendes Weiß im Tintenstein
Some kids enter Adashino-sensei's shed and find a lot of strange things, but there's one thing in particular that interests them. It's night and Adashino-sensei is called upon to look at one of the kids, a girl who has become bitterly cold, and the cause is a mysterious ink stone she touched. Luckily for Adashino-sensei, Ginko is passing through the village, and he shows him the ink stone, which he identifies it as a "Kumohami".
Schlafender Berg
Ginko arrives at a village where the men are in a heated discussion about the mountain. After learning of Ginko's identity they ask for his help to find another Mushi-shi called Mujika, who happens to be the master of the mountain. While on his trek through the mountain Ginko stumbles across a boy who's also looking for Mujika. Later they manage to find Mujika but this isn't the end of it.
Einäugiger Fisch
"Don't let yourself be blinded by fear and anger. Everything is only as it is..." A boy named Yoki, who's able to see Mushi, was found in the woods by some mysterious lady named Nui with only one eye. It turns out that Yoki was travelling with his mother when a mudslide crushed his mother and he was left all on his own. Yoki's leg later heals itself however he doesn't seem to have anywhere to go so he stays with the Nui and begins to learn some things about the Mushi known as "Tokoyami".
Just managing to cross the treacherous Kazura Bridge, Ginko meets up with a man on the other side who takes him to meet a lady called Hana, who fell from the same bridge 3 years ago. Even though Hana survived, all she does is sit under the sun and nothing else and nobody seems to know what's wrong with her. Hana is feared to be a "Tanimodori", which are people whose minds and memories are wiped clean and they die on the night that the "One Night Bridge" shows up. From the info gathered Ginko knows that Hana is possessed by a Mushi called a "Nisekazura".
Im Käfig
While resting in a bamboo forest, Ginko is approached by an odd man named Kisuke, who tells Ginko that he has been lost in the forest for 3 years. Ginko seems to have also become lost, and decides to go off and figure something out about the forest. After managing to get out of the forest, Ginko figures out that it's the work of a "Magaridake".
Vorgetäuschter Frühling
"When all are sheltering within, there comes an imitation of spring. Linger in bliss for too long and your flesh will soon be frozen..." Caught in a blizzard, Ginko is decides to look for shelter and finds a home where the owner, Suzu allows him to stay the night. The next day Ginko sees a boy, Miharu who seems to be fascinated by Mushi. Ginko learns that Miharu once disappeared into the mountains in the winter and then suddenly came back in spring, able to see Mushi. Miharu has been repeating this since and it may be caused by a "Harumagari" so in the end, Ginko decides to teach him more about Mushi.
Schlange der Morgendämmerung
It is spring, and Ginko is taking a boat through a river, when the boat's boy, Kaji, asks Ginko whether he could help his mother, who's forgetting things and can't sleep. At first glance it may appear to be progressive amnesia, however something isn't right.
Das Sammeln leerer Kokons
"There are countless fissures in the physical world. Those who vanish like smoke are lost in such hollows. Without their memories, without their souls..." Ginko receives a letter in a cocoon, but it isn't adressed to him. Rather, it's addressed to an old accquaintance, Aya Tozawa, so he decides to visit her. Ginko is concerned about Aya, as she is still searching for her sister, who has been trapped in an Uroana for 5 years.
Das Gewand, das einen Berg trägt
This story is about a mysterious genius artist named Kai who left his family to become better known for his talents and as a parting gift his sister made him a Haori (Man's Kimono). One day he got bored and made a Haura (painting inside the jacket) on his Haori. His master saw this and recognized his talents, so he gave Kai jobs with clients and he quickly started to become well known for his work but his fame came at a price.
Die Schnur am Himmel
Seijirou is fascinated by the stars and enjoys stargazing. One day he was by the riverbed with the village nanny Fuki when she notices a string coming down the sky and as she tries to pull all of a sudden she disappears, right before Seijirou's eye. Ginko is travelling through the mountains and is being followed by a peculiar girl. It turns out that it's Fuki, who has been exposed to a strong Mushi presence and can't be seen by anyone.
Meer aus Geschriebenem
Ginko arrives at a secluded place, to meet an old acquaintance, who seems to be in charge of a large volume of archival, confidential text. Ginko is allowed to read it, and discovers it is the work of Tan'yu, a writer. Tan'yu is the descendant of the Karibusa family, being born with a black mark on a part of their body.
A lady named Aki discovered a green stain on her wedding gown, one year later she gave birth to a boy who, now grown up, has the same marks on his body. It turns out that the boy was originally born not as a human but as some shapeless green blob, which then turned into a human. Her husband asks for Ginko's help yet he is unable to save her son because it's the work of a "Watahaki".
Der Meeres-Schrein
"Give birth to me once more. I want to meet you once more. I want to see this beautiful ocean once more..." Ginko arrives on an island asking about the so called "Rebirths" but to no luck. At night he later meets a peculiar lady who happens to be able to see a strange light in the sea and she ends up inviting him to her home. She later explains to him what "Rebirths" are; when a person is about to die they can be taken deep inside the Ryuugu, where they are reborn.
Rostfarbene Stimme
In a cold mountainous region, Ginko is wandering around the snow cover plain when he hears a sound ringing through the cold air and he also notices some rust on a tree. Ginko enters a nearby town to find the rust covering everywhere, including the people. The village chief tells Ginko that this is a sickness that has been affecting the town for 14 years that the people have been slowly losing the movements of the limbs and it's said that a girl called Shige is the cause of it.
Reise zum Leuchtfeuerfeld
"Build a fire - night comes... Light a fire - darkness comes... Hide the fire - flames arisen from corpses creep in..." Ginko meets another Mushi-shi, which happens to be a young lady called Yahagi and surrounding the village she lives in is a new variety of Mushi growing on the mountain's fields. It's becoming so bad that the village people are at risk and as a last resort they plan to burn the entire mountain but Ginko doesn't think that this is the right option.
Glückliches Auge, unglückliches Auge
"All that is in my world... is seem sound taste and touch. That is all. That is enough..." Finally able to reach a city, Ginko comes across a "biwa hoshi" named Amane, singing songs about Mushi and she is immediately able tell that he is a Mushi-shi. So she forces him to stay a night at an inn when she later reveals that she once saw a "Ganpuku" a very rare Mushi that will make the host see better and better until they die.
Das Geräusch von Schritten im Gras
Taku is a peculiar young boy who has always wondered who the people were that always passed by the mountains during the rainy seasons. One day he meets a boy named Isaza, while catching fish. It seems that not only Taku can see the Komiyaku in the mountains however Isaza seems to know a lot more about the mountain than him. "The world is filled with life unknown to man..."
2. Staffel 2 (23 Episoden)
Das Bankett am Waldrand
Kouki – ein Lichtstrom, der tief unter der Erde fließt, der Quell allen Lebens. Wenn ein Mensch, der seine Wirkung nicht kennt, mit ihm herumpfuscht, müssen die Mushi-shi handeln, bevor es zu unbeabsichtigten Folgen kommt.
Die zwitschernde Muschel
Als sich das Mädchen die Muschel ans Ohr hält, hört es plötzlich Vogelgesang. In einem Fischerdorf, das noch immer unter der Tragödie von vor einigen Jahren taumelt, stellt ein seltsamer Mushi ein böses Omen dar. Welch Unglück wird den Menschen auferlegt werden?
Unter dem Schnee
Ununterbrochen fällt Schnee um ihn herum. Dieser junge Mann, immun gegen die Kälte, wird von der ausgedörrten Erinnerung eines Winters, den er mit seiner Schwester verbrachte, ereilt.
Die Nacht-liebkosende Hand
Ein Jäger streift des Nachts ohne Waffe und Werkzeug durch die Berge. Das Wesen, das mit dem Leben spielt, es auslöscht, ist eine zerbrechliche Existenz, gefangen zwischen Menschen- und Mushi-Reich.
Spiegelnde Tiefen
Wer oder was spiegelt sich auf der Oberfläche? Als die Grenzen zwischen Traum und Realität verschwinden, kann nur das Selbst, das in dieser Welt lebt, entscheiden, wie seine Existenz verlaufen soll.
Pflanzliche Versuchung
Die zahllosen Blüten, die die Äste der Bäume schmücken, bilden ein bezauberndes Gemälde, das die Schönheit des Frühlungs zur Schau stellt. Diejenigen, deren Begehren nach solcher Schönheit keine Grenzen kennt, werden irgendwann ein Tabu begehen. Für wen blühen diese vergänglichen Blumen?
Wolkenloser Regen
Während sie allen den kommenden Regen prophezeit, reist eine Frau immer weiter umher. Mit jedem Regentropfen, der vom klaren blauen Himmel fällt, wird sie an ihr seltsames Schicksal erinnert – ein Schicksal, das auch von unzähligen Tränen nicht reingewaschen werden kann.
Ein Schiff mit Wind in den Segeln segelt durch die windstille See. Ein Junge, der den Mushi Befehle erteilen und den Wind rufen kann, muss seinen eigenen Weg findet, damit er den Horizont in sich selbst zu sehen lernt.
Das Tal der Gezeiten
Umgeben vom Winterschnee liegt ein grünes Tal voller Früchte, die reif für die Ernte sind. Ein Mann schuftet ohne Schlaf zu brauchen, so als ob er für etwas sühnen müsste. Er arbeitet für den Unterhalt seiner Familie, und für sein blutiges Erbe…
Die Tiefen des Winters
Ein Berg weigert sich, den Frühling willkommen zu heißen. Schnee fällt fortwährend und die Tiere schlafen immer weiter. Es ist der Wille des Herrn des Berges… Es ist als ob er selbst auf den Tod wartet.
In einer unbekannten Zeit, an einem unbekannten Ort sieht der Junge mit den weißen Haaren und den grünen Augen das Licht, das die natürliche Ordnung und seinen eigenen Platz in dieser Welt erleuchtet.
Wohlduftende Dunkelheit
Was in den Tiefen seiner Erinnerung verweilt, ist das Wissen um einen Frühling, der noch viele Jahre nicht kommen wird. Das einzige Selbst, das diesen Geruch kennt, ist das Selbst, das ihn noch nicht kennt. Wenn sein Leben ein Trugbild ist, für wen hat er dies all die Jahre ertragen?
Nachklingendes Rot
Die Abenddämmerung – eine ungewisse Stunde, die weder Tag noch Nacht ist. Wenn zwei lange Schatten sich kreuzen, erwacht eine Dunkelheit aus ihrem langen Schlaf.
Abgeschiedene Bucht
Es gibt Kanäle in dieser Welt, die die Menschen nicht kennen. Doch manchmal kann jemand seine Gedanken durch diese Pfade senden und sie mit jemand anderem teilen.
Ein verlorener Junge sucht Trost, doch der Himmel bietet ihm nur einen Schein unerreichbarer Zuneigung. Menschen können sich an das gewöhnen, was außerhalb der fünf Sinne liegt – den Glanz des Lebens, das Licht, das von innen kommt.
Die Sterne hinter den Himmeln
Unzählige Sterne schmücken einen einsamen Fleck des ansonsten pechschwarzen Himmels über ihr. Das Mädchen blickt diesen schaurigen Himmel an, und das vertraute Licht, das dort leuchtet.
Himmelblaue Wasser
Der Junge, durstig nach und betört vom Wasser, lebt sein Leben weiter als ob er verloren wäre oder einer fast vergessenen Erinnerung aus dem Mutterleib folgt…
Das Ende des Blitzes
Unbeantwortete Hoffnungen und nicht erhörte Gefühle bringen einen dazu, den Zeichen zu folgen, die einen durch die erstickende Dunkelheit führen, welche nicht einmal ein Blitz erhellen kann.
Schlammiges Gras
Der Tod wächst und umklammert alles. Was hätte in der Erde bleiben sollen, hat begonnen, nach oben zu kriechen.
Der Baum der Ewigkeit
Ein Ort hat den Test der Zeit überstanden, aber Menschen sind gekommen. Doch die Erinnerungen sind nicht verloren.
Baum der Ewigkeit
Pfad der Dornen
3. Staffel 3 (10 Episoden)
Folge 1
Folge 2
Folge 3
Folge 4
Folge 5
Folge 6
Folge 7
Folge 8
Folge 9
Folge 10

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