Anne mit den roten Haaren

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Animation, Familie, Romantik, Drama • Japan • 1979


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"Anne mit den roten Haaren" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Amazon Video.

Shigeo Koshi
Eiko Yamada, Fumie Kitahara, Ryūji Saikachi, Gara Takashima, Michio Hazama, Kazuhiko Inoue, Sanae Takagi, Mami Koyama, Hiroko Suzuki, Junko Hori, Kazuyo Aoki, Yoku Shioya, Reiko Mutoh, Miyoko Asô, Saiko Egawa, Kazuyuki Sogabe, Ritsuo Sawa, Natsuko Kawaji, Eisuke Yoda, Michiko Hirai, Chiyoko Kawashima, Kimiko Tsuruta, Motomu Kiyokawa, Rihoko Yoshida


1. Staffel 1 (50 Episoden)
Die große Überraschnung
Tired of enduring Gilbert's taunts about her red hair, Anne resolves to do something about it. While her results are initially disastrous, Anne manages to reverse her mistakes. She emerges with a more balanced attitude about herself.
Eine entscheidende Begegnung
Gilbert thinks babysitting his infant cousin will be a breeze. That is, until he finds himself alone with the tyke. Anne, who has a great deal of experience looking after children, comes to his assistance. Gilbert discovers how demanding and difficult babysitting can be, and how important it is to be vigilant, caring and prepared.
Abschied von Green Gables
A stray dog arrives on the doorstep of Green Gables. Anne immediately falls in love with the pooch, and is determined to keep it. Marilla is against the idea. They have enough animals, and a dog is a great deal of responsibility. When nobody comes to claim the pet, Anne schemes to keep him and calls him Magic. However, after a series of mishaps, Anne comes to realize that looking after a dog full-time is a lot of work. She is happy when the real owner comes to claim his lost dog, whose real name is Trick, and they decide to call him Magic Trick. Anne decides to visit the dog in its forest home until she is ready to have her own dog.
Anne erzählt ihr Leben
When Mr. Gresham's nephew Ben visits Avonlea, all the kids are excited about his arrival - especially as it coincides with a sports day. To their surprise, Ben arrives in crutches - polio has left him paralyzed. With empathy and creativity on both sides, the children learn to fully welcome Ben into the group – and the games – as a valuable partner.
Marilla entscheidet sich
The Avonlea kids prepare for their annual Hunt for the Golden Crown, which has very complex rules and rituals. The only problem is, the adults have another set of rules. After concluding that rules are silly and unnecessary, Anne and the children wonder which rules are important to obey.
Ein Traum wird wahr
When the confection Anne brings to Avonlea's annual Taffy Day turns out to be horridly salty, she is certain that it's all due to scheming Felicity. Only when both girls see the error of their ways they can begin to work together to solve their misunderstanding.
Sich entschuldigen ist schwer
Disaster has struck! Diana has come down with a case of head-lice. Anne feels only sympathy, takes the necessary precautions, and thinks nothing more of it. That is, until the other schoolmates start to make fun of Diana and shun Anne for remaining her friend. Anne considers abandoning Diana in order to save her coveted popularity. But after thinking – and imagining – things through, she comes to value the importance of loyalty.
Die Sonntagsschule
When Anne and Diana head off into the woods in search of buried treasure, they get hopelessly lost and find much more than they bargained for.
Eine richtige Freundin
Anne thinks she may have seen Gilbert cheating on a test, and her decision to discuss her unfounded suspicions with other schoolmates harms Gilbert's grades and reputation. When Anne sees the error of her ways, she scrambles to fix things – but is it too late?
Eine große Freundschaft
Ralph, the new kid in town, is bullying Felix. Anne tries to stick up for her younger schoolmate, only to find that she herself has become a bit of a bully to Ralph. With her help, Felix applies some creative tactics that help diffuse Ralph's aggression, and even to offer the beginnings of friendship.
Die verschwundene Brosche
When Anne agrees to help Marilla make ice cream, she has no idea what she's gotten herself into. A small promise becomes a sizeable commitment. She soon realizes that she is missing out on other activities she would rather do. Even Marilla feels she has bitten off more than she can chew. Still, neither knows how to broach the topic with the other. Good thing Matthew's around.
Das Geständnis
All of Avonlea is in a tizzy when the world-famous Amelia Evans returns to her hometown. Preoccupied with her appearance, Anne nearly forgets what is most important about her contribution to the talent show held in Miss Evans' honor.
Der erste Schultag
Under the guidance of Rachel Lynde, who has always had a "nose-for-news," the children start up The Avonlea Herald, a weekly newspaper. Anne works hard to become editor. The other children gladly fill their respective posts. As they are working on their first issue, a big story breaks in Avonlea, sending the whole "staff" into action. Anne, in her enthusiasm, takes over all departments, but her dictatorial management style disheartens the other children. Initially frustrated with her staff, she comes to realize that it is her own attitude that is the problem. When she allows everyone to have a sense of ownership and to feel the rewards of contributing, the news team starts to function smoothly and the resulting issue is a great success.
Ärger in der Schule
Anne eagerly plans a party to coincide with the coming lunar eclipse – until her obsession causes her to neglect her household chores, throwing Green Gables into chaos.
Die Maus im Pudding
It's swimming time at the pond, but Felix can't really join in the fun because he's a poor swimmer. Anne is impatient with his limitations until an injury sidelines her and Felix volunteers to help her with her exercises. Soon the two unlikely friends are hard at work, helping each other train, and Felix is developing both his swimming skills and his self-confidence.
Die Einladung zum Tee
As an important hockey match between Avonlea and Carmody approaches, team captain Gilbert advocates winning at any cost. The adults, too, seem to be taking the game too seriously, and the team becomes fragmented and discouraged. Anne helps everyone see the importance of good sportsmanship and remember the real reason they play hockey: to have fun!
Ein wichtiger Brief
Anne and Marilla can't seem to see eye-to-eye on farming tasks, and each one's insistence on doing things her way leads to an argument. As Anne reflects on how her guardian's experience has shaped her opinions, she doesn't change her own mind, but she does come to respect the right of others to have differing points of view.
Glück im Unglück
When Miss King emphasises the importance of Anne's contribution to the region's spelling bee, Anne begins to doubt her abilities and is afraid of letting her team down.
Der Geburtstag
Peg Bowen makes a rare trip into town for winter supplies, and the children decide to spy on the strange old woman when she returns to her home in the woods. But during their spy mission, Anne becomes lost in a snowstorm—and it's Peg who rescues her.
Es geschah vor einem Jahr
Anne is swept along in the marble craze at school—until she loses a marble Matthew has owned since he was a boy. Realizing that their shared obsession with winning has only created bad feelings, she persuades the other kids to stop playing marbles for keeps and to put the fun back into the game.
A King family reunion is coming up, and Felix and Felicity just can't seem to get along. Anne enters the fray with the idealism of an only child, but her efforts only seem to make things worse. In the end, the two siblings just have to work things out themselves.
Pech auf der ganzen Linie
Anne and Diana's superstitious beliefs wreak havoc with Marilla's plan to persuade the Avonlea town council to build a new library. Chastened, Anne comes to realize that all superstition does is stop people from solving problems themselves.
Die Einladung ins Pfarrhaus
Anne and Diana are at the train station waiting for the arrrival of their favorite author, E.J. Lark. What a surprise they get when expecting a handsome, debonair celebrity they discover that E.J. Lark is a bespectacled female who looks like a librarian. Anne feels disappointed. Matthew, who's very shy towards women, begins to like her and to read her stories. A few hours in Lark's company teach Anne that you can't judge a book by its cover.
Die Mutprobe
Avonlea is being overrun by mice. Anne and Diana regret that Felix must join them in their school assignment that addresses Avonlea's growing mouse problem. In time, however, Anne comes to see Felix's value, and allow him to contribute, thus saving the day.
Sorgen um Diana
Snubbed by their classmates, Anne and Diana set up the Order of the Kindred Spirit, an exclusive club of two. Midway through building their complex clubhouse, they find that everyone else at school has responded by excluding them in return-by making their own club!
Große Pläne
Anne gets her first allowance. Enthralled by the luxuries of Lawson's General Store, she spends nearly all of it unwisely. Her spendthrift ways nearly cause her to lose allowance privileges – until she comes to appreciate the importance of managing her own money.
Matthews Geschenk
Viele Überraschungen
Der Geschichten-Club
Eine schmerzliche Erfahrung
Der Lebensretter
Eine aufregende Reise
Der vergiftete Apfel
Getrennte Wege
Heimliche Sorgen
Die letzten Sommerferien
Ein großer Tag für Carmody
Ausgerechnet Nummer 13
Endloses Warten
Ein großer Erfolg
Ein überraschendes Angebot
Das Studentenleben
Der Traum vom Stipendium
Heimweh und Prüfungsangst
Gilbert und die Goldmedaille
Zweifel und Sorgen
Ein großer Verlust
Abschied von Matthew
Pläne für die Zukunft
Abschied von Anne