
SERIE • 5 Staffeln • Romantik, Abenteuer, Action, Drama, Thriller, Krimi • Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1997


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Wer streamt "Nikita"

Nikita wird unschuldig wegen eines Mordes verurteilt. Sie wird von der geheimen militärischen Organisation Section One rekrutiert. In Sektion Eins wird Nikita für spezielle Missionen zur Terrorbekämpfung als eiskalte Killerin ausgebildet. Zu ihrem Mentor, dem geheimnisvollen Michael, entwickelt sie eine ganz besondere Beziehung. Zusammen sind sie ein einzigartiges Team. Nikita passt sich mit der Zeit an ihre rauhe Umgebung an, in der Emotion als Schwäche gilt, und wird zur Top-Agentin. Verzweifelt sucht sie trotz ihres Jobs nach einem bisschen Privatleben. Walter und Birkoff werden so etwas wie eine Ersatzfamilie, Operations und Madeline zu Kontrahenten.

Wo läuft "Nikita"?

"Nikita" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Amazon Video.

La Femme Nikita
Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Peta Wilson, Roy Dupuis, Matthew Ferguson, Eugene Robert Glazer, Don Francks, Alberta Watson


1. Staffel 1 (22 Episoden)
Die Prüfung
Die zu Unrecht des Polizistenmordes beschuldigte Nikita wird von dem Agenten Michael unter Druck gesetzt: Entweder sie arbeitet für Sektion Eins, oder ihr von der Organisation vorgetäuschter Tod wird Realität.
Der Todesengel
Bei einem Einsatz wird Nikita von ihrer alten Schulfreundin Julie erkannt und spricht Nikita an. Natürlich will Michael sie aus dem Weg räumen, aber Nikita kann dies verhindern, in dem sie Julie bei sich versteckt.
Der Tod einer Freundin
Als Computerspezialistin getarnt nimmt Nikita Kontakt zu einer gefährlichen Terroristengruppe auf. Diese wollen per Computerkontrolle der Luftüberwachung zwei Flugzeuge kollidieren lassen. Ihr Versteck ist ein alter Militärischer Bunker. Nachdem Nikita dort eingescheust wurde, findet sie heraus, dass sich Michaels totgeglaubte Frau Simone bei den Terroristen gefangengehalten und gefoltert wird...
Der Wohltäter
Während eines Routineeinsatzes rettet Nikita dem gutaussehenden Alec das Leben. Erst später findet sie heraus, dass die ganze Sache von Sektion Eins inszeniert wurde. Trotzdem verliebt sie sich in den so feinfühlig wirkenden Fremden, bis sie miterlebt, wie er auf Grund eines bloßen Verdachts seinen Bodyguard kaltblütig erschießt. Schließlich kommt Nikita dahinter womit Alec sein Geld verdient: Er ist ein Menschenhändler, und verkauft Streetkids...
Um die Waffenhändler John und Helen Wicke zu überführen und an einen Atomaren Trigger zu gelangen, gibt sich Nikita als Helens vermisste Tochter aus. Die wahre Tochter wurde Hellen direkt nach der Geburt im Gefängnis weggenommen, und seitdem sucht die Frau nach ihrem Kind.
Nikita und Michael sollen den skrupellosen Terroristen Perry Bowers stoppen, der auch vor dem Einsatz von Nervengas nicht zurückschreckt. Sie erschleichen sich sein Vertrauen, indem sie als Terroristenehepaar an einem seiner todbringenden Anschläge teilnehmen. Jedoch nur, um ihn danach zu überrumpeln und ihm zu entlocken, was das nächste Zeil seiner heimtückischen Aktionen ist. Hierzu legt Nikita einen fantastischen Strip hin...
Nikita erfährt von Madeline, dass sie ihre "Probezeit" überstanden hätte. Sektion Eins ist unterdies hinter einem Mann namens Suba her, einem Uranschmuggler, der auf langbeinige Blondienen steht - perfekt um Nikita auf ihn anzusetzen. Doch Suba kann den Häschern der Organisation entwischen, scheinbar verfügt er über Insider-Informationen. Er bringt Nikita und Michael fast bei einem MG-Angriff aus einem Hubschrauber auf sie ums Leben. Nikita findet den Verräter innerhalb der Sektion Eins : Roger. Suba hat seinen 8 jährigen Sohn entführt und erpresst nun den verzweifelten Vater, seinen Sohn zu töten, falls er nicht genau das tut, was Suba will. Also hilfe Nikita ihrem verzweifelten "Kollegen", und geht seinen Sohn retten...
Schmutziges Spiel
Nikita soll zwei Marine Offiziere befreien, aber eigendlich kann sie sich gar nicht so recht auf ihren neusten Auftrag konzentrieren, denn sie schmiedet gemeinsam mit Eric, einem anderen Sektion Eins Mitarbeiter, Fluchtpläne. Eric könne ihre Daten aus dem Sektions-Computer löschen und bietet ihr an, sie bei seiner Flucht zu begleiten. Sie denkt aber auch darüber nach, was es für Gründe geben könnte, bei der Organisation zu bleiben...
Gefahr für Sektion 1
Als eine Liste aller Mitarbeiter von Sektion Eins gestohlen wird, gerät die geheime Organisation in Gefahr. Der Dieb bietet die Unterlagen zum Verkauf an. Michael macht sich auf den Weg nach Prag, um mit dem Erpresser zu verhandeln. Doch auch jemand anderes ist bereit, alles zu tun, um die Liste zu bekommen...
Natürlich nimmt Sektion Eins keine Rücksicht auf Nikitas und Garys Verliebtheit. Nikita kann sich nicht auf ihre Arbeit konzentrieren. Es fällt ihr schwer, die beiden Seiten ihrer Existenz unter einen Hut zu bringen. Sie muß entscheiden, was ihr wichtiger ist: die Organistion, die ihr Leben kontrolliert oder der Mann, den sie liebt...
Geballte Ladung
Sektion Eins ist es gelungen, eine Chemiewaffenfabrik in Osteuropa zu zerstören. Allerdings wurde Michael dabei verletzt und hilflos zurückgelassen. Er versteckt sich im Haus der Krankenschwester Angie. Nikita und Madeline machen sich auf den Weg, um ihn zu retten. Sie geben sich als Kosmetik-Verkäuferinnen aus, und Madeline täuscht durch Medikamente einen Herzinfakt vor, um in die Klinik eingeliefert zu werden, in der sie Michael vermuten...
Der Super-GAU
Eine terroistische Vereinigung hat eine Atombombe in die USA geschmuggelt und droht damit, eine Großstadt in die Luft zu jagen. Durch einen Zufall wird der harmlose Pizzabote Rudy Zeuge der Aktion. Sektion Eins glaubt jedoch, daß er zu den Terroristen gehört. Um sein Leben zu retten, versucht Nikita zu beweisen, daß er wirklich nur zum falschen Zeitpunkt am falschen Ort war. Sie ist überzeugt davon, daß er sehr nützlich dabei sein kann, die Terroristen unschädlich zu machen...
Die Psychopathin
Karyn steht am Ende ihres zweijährigen Trainings. Nikita erhält den Auftrag, sie zu testen. Während der Mission, bei der ein Terrorist gefangengenommen werden soll, erschießt Karyn kaltblütig ihren Trainer, streitet dies jedoch später ab. Nikita konfrontiert sie mit ihrer Lüge. Karyn gesteht die Tat, behauptet nun aber, ihr Lehrer habe sie mehrfach vergewaltigt. Nikita ist unsicher, ob sie Karyn trauen kann, sie hat eher ein ungutes Gefühl, aber alle anderen in der Sektion Eins scheinen Karyn zu mögen...
Trumpf im Ärmel
Sektion Eins hat den gefährlichen Terroristen George Kessler im Visier, der einen Kanister Kobalt 60 entwendet hat. Es gelingt ihnen zwar, den Verbrecher zu schnappen, aber das Kobalt ist verschwunden. Madeline soll ihn verhören, um herauszufinden, wo er das Kobalt versteckt hat. Die Befragung entwickelt sich zu einem Machtkampf, denn Kessler nutzt sein Wissen über Madeline geschickt aus. Doch auch Madeline hat einen Trumpf im Ärmel...
Es gibt einen Auftragskiller, gegen den selbst die mächtige Sektion Eins nichts ausrichten kann, denn der Mann namens David Fanning verfügt über ein Buch mit brisanten Informationen, die einige westliche Regierungen in große Schwierigkeiten bringen könnten, wenn sie veröffentlicht würden. Genau damit droht der Gangster. Der einzige Weg an ihn heranzukommen scheint Fannings Frau zu sein...
Kein harter Kämpfer
Bei einem Einsatz wird der Transporter der Sektion angegriffen, und Birkoff gerät erstmals selbst in unmittelbare Gefahr und währe ohne das Eingreifen von Nikita getötet worden. Diese Erfahrung zehrt an ihm: Er kann mit seiner Angst nicht umgehen, und dadurch läßt seine Leistung nach. Nikita versucht alles, um ihm zu helfen. Er muß lernen, seine Ängste zu beherrschen - sonst sind seine Tage in der Sektion gezählt. Dann wird auch noch Michael im Herzen des Feindgebietes niedergeschossen...
Die verschwundene Liste der Sektion Eins Mitarbeiter ist wieder aufgetaucht: in den Händen einer Gruppe, die sich Rote Zelle nennt. Überall auf der Welt werden Sektions-Agenten ermordet. Nikita und Michael wollen Birkoffs Gegenspieler bei der Roten Zelle gefangen nehmen, doch sie werden geschnappt und gefoltert. Sie sollen verraten, wo sich Sektion Eins befindet. Beide Schweigen - bis Michael gesteht, dass er Nikita liebt. Die toughe Kämpferin kann nun nicht mehr mit ansehen wie der Mann, der sie liebt, gequält wird und gibt ihren Peinigern die gewünschten Informationen. Steht Sektion Eins jetzt kurz vor dem Aus, oder war wieder alles nur ein Trick und man gab etwa Nikita absichtlich falschen Informationen, um die Gangster in eine Falle zu locken?
Väter und Söhne
Eine Gruppe Krimineller hat sich darauf spezialisiert, geheime Informationen und Material an den Meistbietensten zu verkaufen. Einer von ihnen ist Operations' verschollen geglaubter Sohn Steven. Als Nikita auf die Truppe angesetzt wird - sie soll den Verkauf eines Computerchips verhindern - bittet sie Operations, in jedem Fall dafür zu sorgen, dass Steven nichts passiert. Nikita willigt unter der Bedingung ein, dass, wenn sie ihn verschont, sie die Sektion für immer verlassen kann. Operations stimmt zu und Nikita macht ihm klar, dass sie nicht davor zurückschrecken würde, seinen Sohn zu töten, falls er sein Versprechen nicht halten sollte...
Während einer Undercover-Mission macht sich ein Vergewaltiger über Nikita her. Natürlich ist es für sie ein leichtes, den Mann zu überwältigen. Sie verpaßt ihm eine gehörige Abreibung. Das läßt Detective O'Brien, der dem Frauenschänder wegen weiterer Vergehen auf den Fersen ist, stutzig werden. Schnell wird ihm klar, dass Nikita kein normales Opfer ist. Er beginnt nachzuforschen und kommt hinter ihr Geheimnis. Er ahnt nicht, dass er sich damit in Lebensgefahr gebracht hat, denn die Sektion Eins läßt sowas nicht auf sich beruhen...
Nikita befragt einen Barmann, der verdächtigt wird, Mittelsmann für eine Terrorgruppe zu sein. Statt sich aber dem Verhör zu stellen, springt der Mann aus dem fünfundsechzigsten Stockwerk in den sicheren Tod. Bei der Durchsuchung seiner Wohnung findet sich eine Art Helm. Der ist jedoch nicht als Schutz für Motorradfahrer gedacht, sondern zur Gehirnwäsche. Das entdecken die Leute von Sektion Eins leider etwas zu spät, denn Nikita hat sich das Ding bereits aufgesetzt, um herauszufinden was man damit machen kann. Als sie kurz darauf abkommandiert wird, um das chinesische Oberhaupt vor einem Anschlag zu schützen, ahnen ihre Vorgesetzen nicht, dass gerade von Nikita die größte Gefahr für den Politiker ausgeht, denn der Helm hat sie auf ihn programmiert
Das Urteil
Nikita, Michael und andere Sektionsmitarbeiter sollen bei der Antrittsfeier von Jovan Mijovich, der zum Premierminister seines Landes gewählt wurde, für Sicherheit sorgen, denn er wird von einem Attentäter bedroht. Der kann während der Feierlichkeiten überwältigt werden, doch dann kommt es zu einer Geiselnahme: Ein Mann namens Bruner behauptet, Mijovich habe während des Bürgerkriegs seine Tochter vergewaltigt und erblinden lassen. Nun droht er, den Peiniger seines Kindes zu töten. Nikita gelingt es, die brentlige Situation zu entschärfen. Nun liegt es an Bruners Tochter: Sie erzählt ihre Version der Geschichte und kann damit über Krieg und Frieden für ihr Volk entscheiden...
Wieder einmal verfolgt die Sektion einen gefährlichen Terroristen. Sein Name ist Tyler. Er hat den Angestellten eines seiner Kontaktmänner entführt, der einen Sprengstoff entwickelt hat, bei dem die herkömmlichen Suchgeräte nicht anschlagen. Nun soll Nikita den gekidnappten jungen Mann befreien. Als die Befreiungsaktion fehlschlägt, bekommt sie den Auftrag ihn zu töten. Als sie sich weigert, dies zu tun, ist für Operations das Maß endgültig voll: Er schickt sie und andere Sektionsmitglieder, die ebenfalls beseitigt werden sollen, auf ein Selbstmordkommando. Doch Michael gibt Nikita die Möglichkeit zur Flucht. Ein Schritt, der ihr beider Leben für immer verändert... In der Abschlußszene fährt sie mit dem Zug weg, im wissen, dass die Sektion sie für Tod hält.
2. Staffel 2 (23 Episoden)
Der Maulwurf
With Michael's help, Nikita survived the destruction of a Freedom League hideout in the first season's final episode. Since then, she has been on the run from Section One. While working as a waitress, Nikita is captured by the Freedom League and used as bait to lure Section One into a trap. During a raid by a Section team led by Michael, Nikita saves Michael's life and they manage to escape together. Later, on an abandoned ship, Nikita and Michael share a night of passion. However, Michael's lies about Nikita's whereabouts are in danger of being exposed.
Unter Verdacht
While Nikita is reassigned to Special Operative Jurgen, Section is contacted by one of Freedom League's operatives in order to verify Nikita's story about her capture.
Nikita is brought back to full operative status when Birkoff discovers a six-man terrorist team are making several random attacks.
Eine Liebe zerbricht
Section believes that terrorists are after the nuclear power source of a downed satellite. They later discover the terrorists are actually after it because it is a military satellite and it will give them access to the Pentagon if they are able to salvage it and crack the codes. Nikita grows closer to Jurgen and Section uses it to their advantage.
Egram Petrosian, the former Section deep cover agent rescued by Section One, takes over and promotes Nikita to second in command when Operations is seriously wounded by an insane operative.
Einsame Entscheidung
During a mission, Michael is forced into a stage where he must cut communication with Section and complete the mission at any cost, but the target of Michael captures Madeline, and Operations is willing to kill Michael in order to protect her.
Michael's loyalties are divided when Nikita discovers his friend is a bomber and Operations tells him to betray his friend.
Dunkle Kanäle
Nikita and Michael are sent on a mission to take out someone in a Balkan nation, but Nikita must force Michael into protecting two displaced children, however that protection prevents Nikita from hitting their target, and they must risk their lives in order to get him down.
Die lebende Bombe
On an assignment to capture a Red Cell agent known as Jenna, with valuable information, Nikita is arrested and brought to jail in order to serve time, where Jenna is also serving time. But she is forced to betray the trust she has with Jenna when she must escape the jail along with her, only for Jenna to be captured and interrogated.
Mission ohne Mitgefühl
Nikita is promoted to team leader early and is sent on a much more dangerous than expected mission with a disobedient operative.
Fahrt ins Jenseits
Section believes that an imprisoned terrorist leader is ordering an attack through his lawyer. Nikita and Michael go undercover as a couple, and Nikita is supposed to be a psychic. The terrorist's lawyer asks Nikita to contact his dead son, but Nikita is shocked to discover something else.
Doppeltes Spiel
A Section operative known as Terry fails a mission and admits to Nikita, the cause was her pregnancy. When she is teamed up with Nikita and Michael, she plans to escape from Section, and Nikita must choose a side.
Agent ohne Vergangenheit
Michael is captured and interrogated by terrorists, then loses his memory and does not know who he is.
Ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit
Michael and Nikita are sent on a mission along with former hit man David Fanning, but during the mission he takes Nikita hostage and demands that Michael return his wife, or Nikita will be killed.
Der Wunderknabe
Section captures a mathematician in order to decode a code that is aiding terrorists in their attacks.
Alte Gewohnheiten
Section is trying to stop a terrorist group from engaging in suicide bombings, and Nikita is assigned to recieve information from an agent known as Formits, who, unbeknownest to Nikita, is in fact a serial killer.
Der schleichende Tod
Section falls into a trap when a mission to take out a Red Cell munitions base causes a virus to be spread throughout Section.
A new recruit named Andrea is romanced by Michael. When she learns that it was just a setup to gain allegiance to Section, she wants Nikita's help for revenge. Upon Nikita's refusal, Andrea proves dangerous to both Nikita and Michael when their mission ends up in a dangerous lab containing viruses.
Operations orders a raid to capture the leader of a terrorist group, which turns out to be a sentient computer.
Der Nebenbuhler
When Section discovers a wealthy terrorist plans to fund upcoming civilian attacks, Michael and Nikita pose as money launderers in order to stop him. However, his assistant, Giraldi, claims to be a Section operative who has been in the field for nine years and wants to be brought back in. When Nikita informs Operations, he tells her to ignore his request, but when Madeline finds out, she insists Nikita bring him in. Now, Nikita is caught between Madeline and Operations, and a man's life hangs in the balance.
When the founder of Section One comes back to destroy her own creation, Nikita must make a choice between the life of Michael or the existence of Section.
Alles oder nichts
With Adrian's help, Nikita manages to breach the most sensitive area of Section and secure a file, code named Gemstone, which contains evidence which will bring down Operations and destroy Section One. Meanwhile, Operations forces Michael to identify the Section operative most likely to work with Adrian to undermine Section, Nikita. Michael confronts Nikita in order to try to find a way to protect her, but she denies any association with Adrian. Now Michael is forced to kidnap both Nikita and Adrian and bring them back to Section, knowing that Nikita and Adrian will be cancelled and that the incriminating Gemstone file will be permanently erased.
Adrian's Garden
3. Staffel 3 (23 Episoden)
Machtkampf in Sektion 1
Operations believes Nikita is a threat to Section, and wants to kill her during a mission. She survives his plot, and when she returns to Section, she looks into the disappearance of Michael, and finds what she didn't expect.
Der verlorene Vater
Nikita has a new mission, to get David Henderson Williams, Vacek's associate. She also learns more about Michael's history with Elena & Simone. Elena offers Nikita to stay with her & Michael. Nikita accepts, but she doesn't feel too cozy after her thoughts & memories get the best of her. More problems come about as Vacek misses a meeting.
Gefühle unerwünscht
To flush out Vacek, Operations and Madeline order Michael to poison Elena, but Michael can't bring himself to do it. So Section poisons Elena anyway, while Michael is out on a mission, and her survival will depend on whether Vacek has enough conscience to visit his daughter in her time of need. Meanwhile, Section moves sleazy informant Mick Shtoppel in as Nikita's neighbor.
Die Pforten der Hölle
After effectively losing his wife and son forever, Michael's performance begins to seriously suffer. So as Nikita seeks to restore Michael's will to live and to protect him from Section's latest enemy, Operations and Madeline bicker over what is the best strategy to handle fragile Michael. Meanwhile, Birkoff goes to Walter about a file Birkoff discovers, a file that contains incriminating evidence on Operations.
Die Killer-Fabrik
Section goes after Ivan Chernov, a terrorist who trains kidnapped children to do his dirty work. Michael sells Nikita to Chernov, who she discovers wants her for cloning experiments. Birkoff finds his life threatened by Felix, an abeyance operative who is extremely upset about being in abeyance. After returning to Section, a comment from Madeline makes Nikita think that Section might also be doing cloning. After some investigating, she discovers a room full of children, one of which looks identical to herself as a child. When she returns with Michael a while later, the room is mysteriously empty.
Eine politische Affäre
Section goes after Nikolai Markali, a politician whom Operations correctly believes is connected to the terrorist organization, Badenhein, although the suspicions at first appear to be unfounded. Other than these suspicions, he appears to be a man whose only crime appears to be being married to Operations' ""widow,"" Corinne - the woman Operations was married to when he ""died"" upon his recruitment into Section. Madeline, posing as a therapist taking over Corinne's case, and Michael, posing as a therapist slowly drive Corinne insane using a highly addictive ""medication"" which makes her extremely unstable and an altered videotape making it appear Nikolai was having an affair with Nikita. According to the mission profile, Corinne takes her husband's life.
Katz und Maus
Nikita is acting out of character. Michael observes she is pre-occupied, and when mission tapes of a disastrous mission show, the enemy was avoiding shooting her, he believes she is working for Red Cell.
Das Superhirn
A new operative with a photographic memory is brought in to ""remember"" the directory of a terrorist organization. When he is made a permanent recruit, Nikita looks into her own recruitment, wondering if it was planned or not.
Der Bluff
Nikita, Walter, and Birkoff consider mutiny when Operations' orders become more and more illogical.
Die Peruze-Brüder
Brothers Karl and Simon Peruze are responsible for some of the most vicious attacks on civilians ever recorded. Eliminating both of them proves difficult, since neither brother would ever give up the other. Section One kidnaps Karl, wipes clean his short-term memory, and places Nikita with him when he comes to, so she can pose as his fiancee and lead Section to Simon. Strangely, the more Nikita learns about Karl's cruel history, the more she is drawn to him, falling in love with him. However, Nikita's slowly dawning realization that her mind is being controlled by Section threatens to unravel the entire mission.
Nikita finds a colleague in the new recruits, someone named Jamey. Jamey tells Nikita that if she helps him stay in Section, he'll lead Nikita to her mother, who has been looking for Nikita ever since she supposedly committed suicide in jail.
Nikita, along with two other operatives Mark and Angela, are kidnapped by a two-person sibling terrorist team. Both Mark and Angela are tortured, but Mark breaks during the torture and tells the terrorist duo the location of a Section sub-station. After being rescued, Nikita plans with Mark to lie to Section and try to defeat the brother/sister team on their own. But when her plan fails, Mark blames Nikita for revealing the information, and she is put under trial.
Jenseits der Grenzen
Operations passes over Michael for Chief Strategist in favor of a smarmy Section operative by the name of Zalman, and Michael is so furious that he plots with Nikita to escape from Section One. Indeed, after stealing a Section One "Field Router" Michael and Nikita successfully disrupt a mission against new Red Cell leader Vincent Tomas, and make their escape. Zalman is going to take the fall for Michael's and Nikita's escape, and he will stop at nothing to find them.
On an operation to get industrialist and terrorist financier Charles Meyer, Nikita is sent to a "modeling agency" run by Amalin Anagar, which is in reality, not just a brothel, but also an arena where beautiful girls are forced to fight each other to the death in a place called "The Pit" While undercover at Anagar's, Nikita tries to protect a naive young girl named Sondra from fighting in ""The Pit,"" while also trying to figure out a way to save all the girls at Anagar's (an objective which is not in the mission profile). Meanwhile, Madeline appears to be jealous of Renee from Oversight who is visiting Section One. She may have reason to be, as Renee immediately puts moves on the very willing Operations.
Sarahs letzter Auftrag
This time, Section is out to get an outfit by the name of The Alliance, and Section's way in is a psychotic courier by the name of Jan Bailin. Bailin has other plans and she kills herself before the Section can use her. So, as a backup, Section employs a meek, terminally ill lookalike for Bailin by the name of Sarah Gerrard. As she trains her, Nikita starts to get suspicious, did Section purposely make Sarah ill to make it easier for Section to convince Sarah to work for them? And if so, will Section even let Sarah live if she completes the mission?
Die Evakuierung
After an operation against a terrorist group, Michael brings one of the terrorists back to the Section for questioning. The "capture" is a plant, and he knocks Madeline out during interrogation and runs amuck in Section One's HQ. Before Michael finds and eliminates the man, he successfully uploads many of Section One's crucial files, including the Registry (which is at least encrypted, and will take the terrorists several days to decipher) and the exact location (un-encrypted) of Section's HQ (located in Paris). Operations orders the evacuation and destruction of Section One's HQ. With Section in temporary quarters, Operations takes over the counter-operation personally, and goes out on a mission with a less than thrilled Nikita. Will Operations be able to find the terrorist base before the terrorists decode The Registry?
Gefährliche Versuchung
With the "situation in the Balkans" again reaching critical, Operations is called off on a consulting job in the field by "The Center," and he turns over temporary full control of Section One to Michael. Operations leaves Michael with one warning, George from Oversight wants a full-scale campaign waged against terrorist financier Luigi Bergomi, but Michael must resist this as Bergomi is too strong and would overwhelm Section forces. After meeting with George, Michael has a change of heart, and decides to launch an operation against Bergomi, despite Madeline's and later Nikita's strong objections. Has the absolute power of running Section One gone to Michael's head? Meanwhile, now that they are "officially" lovers, Michael promotes Nikita as his lieutenant over another agent named Wallace, and when Wallace turns up dead after an operation against Bergomi, Nikita wonders if Michael is playing favorites, and trying to protect her.
Madeline has decided that Michael's romantic involvement with Nikita is affecting his performance, and so she sets about putting pressure on Michael to halt the relationship. Soon enough, Michael is no longer in charge of Tactical Oversight, so he loses his office, and is no longer running missions. He's replaced by Davenport, a decent guy who's now in charge of field operations. Can Michael give up all the power he's earned in Section One for Nikita? And will Nikita let him give it all up, even if he wants to? Meanwhile, a sultry operative by the name of Valerie is putting heavy moves on both Walter and Birkoff, which soon enough puts a strain on their friendship.
Der Überläufer
After Birkoff chokes in the middle of remotely directing an operation and is then promptly upstaged by arch-nemesis Greg Hillinger who pulls the frying pan out of the fire and saves the mission, Operations promotes Hillinger to Birkoff's job and re-assigns Birkoff to his first field operation. Birkoff's mission is to infiltrate and perform reconnaissance on a mercenary terrorist organization "Soldat de la Liberty" run by a man named Jean-Marc Rousseau who employs brainwashing on young people to fill the ranks of his organization. Birkoff is convinced that Operation's real objective is to set him up with an impossible mission, so that Operations can eliminate Birkoff and permanently replace him with the more obsequious and pliable Hillinger. And sure enough, once inside the group Birkoff discovers ties between Rousseau's organization and the infamous Red Cell, and Operations refuses to extricate Birkoff preferring to leave him in place to gather more information. Can Nikita help Birko
During an operation, Hillinger's goofing off costs an operative his life, and Hillinger pleads with Birkoff to cover for him, which Birkoff inexplicably does. Hillinger doesn't return the favor, however, when Birkoff is sent out to direct a mission from the field, and Hillinger deliberately tries to get his rival Birkoff killed off once and for all. The jokes on Hillinger when Birkoff exposes what Hillinger did. Sure enough, Operations puts him in abeyance and Hillinger's days seem to be numbered. At the same time, Operations is acting more and more viciously toward Madeline. Operations' timing is terrible, as George from Oversight is turning up the pressure on Operations, just as he's acting out with Madeline. Will Madeline get even with Operations by betraying him to George?
Spiel mit dem Feuer
Literally playing with fire, Michael and Nikita are setting up clandestine rendezvous on Section missions as a way to get around Operations and Madeline's ban on their seeing each other (See Third Party Ripoff). Operations and Madeline still suspect Michael and Nikita of seeing each other on the side, so Madeline starts sending Davenport along on Michael's and Nikita's mission to spy on them. Meanwhile, Madeline orders Birkoff to sweep Michael's and Nikita's computer panels for secret communication, and when Birkoff does indeed discover communications between the two, it implicates Walter as their go-between. Will Birkoff turn in Walter? And, if so, what will happen to Michael, Nikita and Walter?
Gezählte Tage
Michael and Nikita are sent on an operation to find out who a pharmaceutical plant owned by a company named Genefex and a supplier of Red Cell who is selling a biological weapon named Gandium, too. Unbeknownst to Michael and Nikita, the operation has a secondary objective, to end Michael and Nikita's love affair once and for all. Once the mission objective is achieved, Nikita is sent to another part of plant, where Madeline is waiting to ""reprogram"" Nikita to eliminate her feelings for Michael. Meanwhile, Operations finally does the unthinkable, he sends Walter to ""retirement."" Birkoff has other ideas, and he immediately sets about sabotaging Walter's replacement, a young and innocent chap by the name of Giles.
Episode 66
4. Staffel 4 (22 Episoden)
Ohne Gefühle
Nikita continues to show evidence of the "reprogramming," including ordering the elimination of a captured Section operative and endangering the lives of children during a mission, and taking part in the beatings of a captive. Michael is determined to reverse Nikita's reprogramming, and he soon determines that the former Section operative who came up with the "reprogramming" process, Ross Gelman, may be the key. Meanwhile, Operations couldn't be more proud of the "new" Nikita, but Madeline is still worried. Eventually, Operations concludes that Michael's attempts at restoring Nikita have gone too far, and takes extreme measures.
Michael auf der Flucht
After Michael eludes Operations' first cancellation attempt, Operations puts all missions on hold and sends out a team to kill him. Michael again manages to escape certain death, but this time he returns to infiltrate Section. Determined to find the files that possess the formula for deprogramming Nikita, Michael is stunned to discover who Section's first test subject was; Adrian, Section One's founder, whose effort to topple Operations failed two years earlier. To gain leverage against Operations, Michael kidnaps Adrian, but her help proves limited when Michael discovers her mind is gone.
Der Blumengarten
Michael discovers that Adrian's mind is not blank as he thought it is. Together they try to save George from Operations and Madeline's attempt to assassinate him. Meanwhile, Michael kidnaps Nikita in a futile effort to reason with her.
Die Umwandlung
Michael kidnaps Nikita with Walter and Birkoff's help, and manages to reverse Gelman's process. Together, they outsmart Madeline and Operations leading them to return to Section.
Nikitas Hochzeit
Section's newest target is the son of a wealthy industrialist, by the name of Helmut Volker, who is supplying drugs at his parties when not funneling arms to Red Cell. The twist is Operations and Madeline have figured out that Michael has "restored" Nikita, so Operations uses this operation to once again drive a wedge between Michael and Nikita. Helmut Volker must marry if he is ever to inherit hit father's business, so Operations orders Nikita to marry Helmut when he proposes! Meanwhile, Michael does everything he can to prevent that from happening.
Anschlag in Den Haag
Nikita continues on the mission she was sent on in, "Man in the Middle," which is to marry Helmut Volker, a man with several ties to Red Cell, but she finds out that she is not the only one with secrets, her new husband has a big secret of his own.
Walters Geheimnis
Operation calls Michael and Nikita out on a favor, he orders them to protect a Vietnam vet by the name of Willie Cain, a man who is now little more than a drifter and a bum, from the thugs who are out to get him in a deal gone bad. Operations believes that he would not have survived capture and torture in Vietnam without Willie's help. What Nikita and Michael don't know is that they are embarking on a mission that will mix them up with Operations' Vietnamese torturer, Fan Van Lin, Carlo Bonaventure the head of a Mafia Crime Family. Meanwhile, Birkoff develops a sudden interest in how he became part of Section, the place he has been in all his life. An interest leads him to the discovery of an unknown twin brother, and a duplicitous history involving Walter.
Niemand lebt für immer
The unbelievable happens! Nikita is called before Operations and Madeline and is given fantastic news, she's free! As part of a ""pilot program,"" Nikita is granted her freedom and a normal life, as long as she never contacts anyone from Section again, and as long as she agrees to be regularly evaluated. Nikita is skeptical at first, but after 6 weeks on ""the outside,"" she starts to believe that maybe this is for-real. Sure enough, George from Oversight shows up with the strings, in exchange for her freedom, Nikita must do one thing, return to Section One to kill Operations! The man whom George claims killed Nikita's real father. Will Nikita do it?
Der Giftgas-Anschlag
Another incursion takes place in Section One, this time in the form of a virus that is making Section One's members sick, one by one. Taking matters into his own hands, George orders in his own Bio Team to treat Section's members. Operations suspects George has an ulterior motive. Sure enough, when Section's people, starting with Walter, followed by Nikita, go in for their ""examination"" with George's Bio Team, they come out vegetables. It seems George's team is mind wiping (downloading the contents of the brains) the Section's members. This process causes them to relive their lives, before leaving them vegetables. Can Michael and Birkoff stop George's team before everyone in Section One gets their brain sucked?
Der Junge von Sektion Vier
Seeking a lost command clone (a computer-like device that apparently allows the user to command a Section without outside aide) that was apparently captured by Red Cell and then stolen by another terrorist group, George and Oversight orders Section one to work together with an agent from Section Four to search for the missing ""command clone."" What is Section Four? Apparently, it's the Section where people/agents with extrasensory abilities are developed. So, who is the agent from Section Four? None other than a 12-year old boy by the name of Gerome. Of course, with his extrasensory abilities, Gerome soon overwhelms the ability of Madeline and Operations to control him. Can Nikita bring Gerome under control before he destroys Section One?
Zeit für Helden
Operations gives Michael and Nikita an almost impossible task; they must get five absolutely, brand spankin' new recruits (Aaron Ashmore, Clé Bennett, Kira Clavell, Megan Fahlenbock, Brian Poth) up to full, field-level operatives, in a very short amount of time! They must go up against new terrorist group, Crystal Sky (who recently did a number on Section Eight). Nikita doesn't think it can be done. Is this another of Operation's gambits, in which the five new recruits are cannon fodder for some mission? If so, can Michael and Nikita save them from this fate? And, if these recruits aren't ready by the time of the mission, could their inexperience also put Michael and Nikita themselves in peril?
Madelines große Liebe
Section One is finally moving hard against Red Cell. Their objective is to capture Chief Strategist (Madeline's opposite) in Red Cell, a man code-named Leon. Once captured, Leon and Madeline begin a dangerous game of mental and emotional cat and mouse. Is Madeline actually developing an emotional attachment to Leon that is interfering with her objective? And what is with the incision that Birkoff discovers behind Madeline's ear? Meanwhile, Birkoff is giving Walter the cold shoulder, and continues to investigate the whereabouts of his twin brother, Jason Crawford.
Abschied von der Vergangenheit
Michael is keeping track of Elena and Adam, and he becomes concerned when a new man enters their life. Sure enough, the man turns out to be a Secion One "Valentine Operative" by the name of Robert Corliss whom Operations has sent into to get Elena's Uncle, Stefan Vacek. It seems Uncle Stefan is taking over Elena's father's old terrorist business. Can Michael protect Elena and Adam once again without being exposed as still being alive? And can Corliss be trusted with Elena and Adam?
Der Kardinal
Birkoff may have stumbled on Section One's biggest coups yet, a chance to nab a top Red Cell operative by the name of "The Cardinal", who has eluded Section One for more than 15 years. Unfortunately, Birkoff's arch-nemesis Greg Hillinger is convinced that Birkoff is wrong, and Hillinger convinces George that Operations and Section One are walking into a trap. Based on Hillinger's intellect, George moves against Operations on the assumption that the operation against The Cardinal is bogus. Is Birkoff right after all? And if Birkoff is wrong, is this the end of Operations, and Birkoff too?
Ein Computer spielt falsch
Birkoff creates an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) program to serve as his replacement, when he's away. In fact, Birkoff is up for a large batch of downtime, when a critical situation arises and Operations cancels Birkoff's downtime. Birkoff's A.I. program, which is just a little too attached to old Seymour, doesn't take this news well, and proceeds to take matters into its own hands. The A.I.'s solution to Birkoff's predicament is to kill everyone in Section One, except Nikita, so Birkoff can escape with Nikita as his companion. Can Birkoff save Section One before his A.I. program carries out it's insane plan?
Satellit gesucht
An important Center satellite named Comstat Alpha crashes near a small town in Kentucky by the name of Dingman's Hollow. Michael and Nikita are then sent on a mission to retrieve it; the first mission with Birkoff's replacement, Corman. The data it carries, before it falls into the wrong hands. When Michael and Nikita get to Dingman's Hollow, they discover that the satellite is missing from its crash location. Soon enough, Nikita discovers that strange things are afoot in the town of Dingman's Hollow. It turns out that the entire town is a ""Sleeper Base"" for the Black Storm terrorist group, making Michael and Nikita's mission that much more difficult. Meanwhile, Naomi, the girlfriend of Birkoff's brother, Jason Crawford, is taking him to Aruba. Can Section One be far behind?
Der Waffenstillstand
After Substation three is destroyed by self-destruct, Section One investigates and finds a trace to Red Cell. What they also discover is that Red Cell has been taking similar blows. Operations decides to become allies and for each other to send top-notch agents. Operations sends Madeline, though Operations is willing to risk her.
Der Spielzeugkeller
While on her mission, Nikita gets shot. She was badly injured. Michael goes to the spot where she fell of the building's roof, but she isn't there. A man by the name of Henry takes out the bullet from her body, declaring he is a doctor. This guy won't let her go because he thinks she would want to stay after he helped her. She tries to break free, but she gets recaptured by him & his mother. Michael decides to go out to find Nikita. Henry wants to marry Nikita now, she wakes up in a wedding dress. He expects her to marry him after he rescued her from dying. Michael comes in time to help Nikita. He takes her with him to a serene campsite.
Nikita is injected with a psychotic drug. It causes her to think & see things that don't happen. For instance, when she was eating in a restaurant, she sees a guy coming with a knife towards the other man, but it never happens. She sees blood on her hands one minute, then the next, it is gone. She was given this drug to help her get into the institution, where Crystal French's son, David French, is at. Nikita still has the drug in her body, so Michael gets her out of mission before something bad happens. She receives electroshock therapy causing her to forget the mission. Nikita falls asleep, thinking she is still in the Institution, but she is safe in her apartment again.
Das Gesicht im Spiegel
When Nikita fails to assassinate Grenet, a Red Cell agent, and is unknowingly injured, Michael goes to her apartment to have dinner. It ends in disaster, when his water is poisoned and Nikita hands him over to Red Cell in exchange for his cornia files. She deletes herself from Section's databases and escapes to where they can't find her.
Durchs Mauseloch
Michael escapes Red Cell and is assigned to meet Nikita and kill her, however she doesn't show up and an Alpha Team is assigned to track her down. Michael leads the team with Kate Quinn. Before the mission, Michael discovers Quinn is Nikita and that he could leave Section. The Alpha Team is wiped out and Michael escapes with Nikita.
Der Abschied
Michael and Nikita have been traveling from place to place, keeping one step ahead of Section One's attempts to find them. When George is eliminated from the picture after leaking intel to Red Cell in order to discredit Section One, the newly-empowered Operations and Madeline finally track down Michael and Nikita. They bring them back to Section. Just as Michael and Nikita are about to be cancelled, all of Section's systems suddenly stop. Mr. Jones, the mysterious head of Center, is on his way to Section One in order to conduct an evaluation, and has put Section in stasis. When Jones arrives, he is really Nick Shtoppel Nikita's neighbor and Section informant. He reveals that Nikita has been secretly working for Center for the last three years. Nikita assists Jones with his evaluation, and things change radically. Operations is forced to remain at Section One for the next seven years. Madeline takes her own life rather than be cancelled. Walter is transferred to the Farm, where he will
5. Staffel 5 (8 Episoden)
Alte Bekanntschaften
Nikita is sent back to Section One to destroy a new terrorist threat that only she can deal with which is a summit meeting of representatives from several terrorist groups. She is teamed up with a new level 5 operative, Marco O'Brien. O'Brien was the police officer recruited four years earlier because of a mistake Nikita made, a fact that O'Brien has not forgotten. Nikita finds that besides the terrorists, she must deal with O'Brien & the hostility of much of Section personnel because of her role in Center's evaluation of Section.
Die Wiederauferstehung
Nikita finds clues about why she was recruited into Section. Is it possible her father was an operative, codenamed Flavius, and that she has a sibling with the initial "M" who is somewhere in the covert world she lives in? Quinn redesigns Birkoff's Artificial Intelligence program to build a holographic replica of Madeline, complete with Madeline's memories and psychological profile. Although Operations is greatly pleased to have Madeline at his side once more, it soon becomes clear that despite it's complex programming, it is just not capable of being Madeline because it doesn't have her instincts.
Die Gehirnwäsche
After the explosion at the house of Nikita's father, Nikita enlists Walter, and then Jason Crawford, to decript its contents. The result; the location of the convelecence home where Michael took Adrian after the "Gelman Process" mess. And this just happens to coincide with Nikita's physical deterioration because of her experience with the "Gelman Process." Has Michael or Nikita's real father given her the information she needs to beat these after effects? Or is Nikita inevitably heading to the same place Adrian ended up, namely the grave? Meanwhile, O'Brien betrays Nikita, by revealing her deteriorating health to Operations, but unsure that O'Brien will be able to resist Nikita's "charms" any more than Michael did. Operations 'shadows' O'Brien with his very own 'pit bull' operative, Golliak. And Section One continues to try and crack "The Collective."
Die ganze Welt ist eine Bühne
After someone breaches Section and breaks into her room, Nikita is more determined than ever to find out the truth about why she was brought into Section. She arranges to get at Mr. Jones personally by having him go out as "Mick Schtoppel" on a mission against an arms dealer with ties to The Collective, by the name of Massima Valenti. Was Operations telling the truth in "Deja Vu All Over Again" when he told Nikita that "Mr. Jones is not what he appears to be...?" Is Nikita making a big mistake in pushing the issue? Meanwhile, Quinn continues to put the "moves" on Operations, but what is she really up to?
Der Mann hinter dem Vorhang
Nikita finally comes face to face with her father, the real Mr. Jones, but rather than being an "emotional" reunion, Mr. Jones is all business, and immediately sets Nikita out on a new mission; finding The Collective's "mole" in Section One! Mr. Jones' two candidates: Operations or Marco O'Brien. Mr. Jones thinks it's the latter, but Nikita suspects the former. So Nikita sets out to find the "mole." Meanwhile, the two co-heads of The Collective, Graff and Haled clash over tactics, and whether to trust their "mole's" intel about Section One. Michael finally turns up, but not until the last scene!
Anschlag auf Nikita
Nikita and Mr. Jones have The Collective's "mole" narrowed down to four suspects: Operations, Quinn, Walter and the late Marco O'Brien, but Mr. Jones has a fifth possibility that Michael Samuelle is still alive, and that he is the "mole." While granting to Mr. Jones the theoretical possibility that Michael may be alive, Nikita denies that he would never be the "mole" for The Collective, Graff and Haled. Meanwhile, Operations sets out personally to see to it that an anti-Collective mission goes according to plan, but it's The Collective that is poised to blow Operations' plane out of the sky! Can and will Nikita save Operations' butt, one last time or should she even bother?
Zwischen den Fronten
The situation is dire as The Collective, still led by Graff and Haled, is cleaning Section's clock. But, just in time, Michael asks Nikita to help him return to Section, where his re-emergence is viewed with suspicion by both Mr. Jones and Operations. While new missions continue against The Collective with Michael's return, Nikita admits that she lied to him in "Four Light Years Further," and that she does indeed love him. Operations discovers that The Collective has infiltrated Section's mainframe to try to locate and kidnap Michael's son Adam, in attempt to re-assert control over him. Can Operations foil The Collective's plans?
Michael's son, Adam is a hostage of The Collective. Michael must save his son in a trade proposed by The Collective. Meanwhile, Haled is confronted by Michael on an offer to get rid of Graff, then leading Haled to become the head employee. Nikita & Michael do so, but this isn't good because Haled isn't alive anymore. This doesn't look too good for Michael. Two new candidates, Myra Mauk & Kelley are hoping for a spot at Section. Walter didn't have the best history with Myra, so he asks Jason Crawford to take her out of the running, he does so. More trades are offered later in the episode. Nikita is now running Section One, she lets Michael go to spend time with his son. Nikita says good-bye to Michael & continues are duties at Section One.
Extras (29 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29

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