Pinky & der Brain

SERIE • 4 Staffeln • Animation, Familie, Fantasy, Komödie, Science-Fiction • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1995


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Wer streamt "Pinky & der Brain"

"Was wollen wir denn heute Abend machen, Brain?" - "Das selbe wie jeden Abend Pinky, wir versuchen die Weltherrschaft an uns zu reißen". Der Dialog zu Beginn einer jeden Folge sagt eigentlich schon alles aus, wobei die Betonung auf "versuchen" liegen sollte.

Wo läuft "Pinky & der Brain"?

"Pinky & der Brain" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Amazon Video, Microsoft Store.

Pinky and the Brain
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Rob Paulsen, Maurice LaMarche


1. Staffel 1 (19 Episoden)
Jagd auf Rosa Oktober
Brain hatches a plot to hypnotize people, but he needs white crab meat to succeed. In order to get the crab meat, he takes a submarine to the wreck of the Titanic. Unfortunately, the CIA spots his sub and orders its destruction.
Von Mann zu Maus
Brain hat die Idee Beiträge zu einer Berufsgenossenschaft zu sammeln, um einen neuen Plan zur Eroberung der Weltherrschaft zu finanzieren.
Brain verwandelt Pinky in ein Ungeheuer, um die Weltherrschaft zu erringen.
Der Klügere gibt auf
Brain konstruiert eine Maschine, um Pinky intelligent zu machen. Dadurch wird Pinky aber plötzlich klüger als Brain.
Pinky und Brain beschreiben in einem Lied die einzelnen Bereiche des Gehirns und seine Funktionen.
Heiter bis bewölkt
Brain versucht mit hypnotisierender Stimme über das Radio die Weltherrschaft zu erobern. Die Mäuse scheitern aber schon im Radiostudio.
Beam me up, Pinky!
Auch die Idee, sich im All als Herrscher der Erde darzustellen, führt nicht zum Ziel.
Alles Käse
Pinky singt über Käse.
Die verfluchten der Mäuse
Um ihren neuesten Plan zu finanzieren, gründen Pinky und Brain einen Scheinstaat, der massive Zahlungen von der UN Entwicklungshilfe bekommen soll.
Humor ist Geschmackssache
Brain versucht die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen, indem er die Hauptrolle in einer Sitcom übernimmt, doch sein Traum von Ruhm und weltweiter Dominanz geht schnell in die Brüche.
Napoleon Brainaparte
Pinky und Brain gehen auf Zeitreise ins Paris des 18. Jahrhunderts. Während Napoleons Siegesfeier wollen sie eine Ablenkung inszenieren - leider werden sie selbst zum Ablenkungsmanöver...
Fröhliche Brainachten
Ambulatory Abe: Brain hopes to take over the world by convincing everyone that Abraham Lincoln has been reincarnated. He takes up ventriloquism and plans on using a statue. Mouse of La Mancha: Brain tells a group of mice the story of "Don Cerebro" a mouse driven by his dream to take over the world.
Snowballs Effekt
The Third Mouse: Pinky searches for the Brain in post-World War II Vienna. He misunderstands people when they try to tell him the Brain is dead and his misunderstandings lead to a series of misadventures. The Visit: The Brain captures two mice for an experiment to aid in a plan for world domination. He discovers however that the two mice are his parents.
Reise um die Welt in 80 Narfs
The Third Mouse: Pinky searches for the Brain in post-World War II Vienna. He misunderstands people when they try to tell him the Brain is dead and his misunderstandings lead to a series of misadventures. The Visit: The Brain captures two mice for an experiment to aid in a plan for world domination. He discovers however that the two mice are his parents.
Brains Mondfahrt
Brain plans to melt the ice caps with the Hubble Space Telescope once he buys everything higher than the 39th floor.
Lincoln spricht
Brain hopes to take over the world by convincing everyone that Abraham Lincoln has been reincarnated. He takes up ventriloquism and plans on using a statue.
Don Cerebro und Sancho Pinky
Brain tells a group of mice the story of "Don Cerebro" a mouse driven by his dream to take over the world.
Die dritte Maus
Pinky searches for the Brain in post-World War II Vienna. He misunderstands people when they try to tell him the Brain is dead and his misunderstandings lead to a series of misadventures.
Der Besuch
The Brain captures two mice for an experiment to aid in a plan for world domination. He discovers however that the two mice are his parents.
2. Staffel 2 (16 Episoden)
Mutter Erde ist nicht von Pappe
Brain und Pinky locken die Menschheit auf eine aus Pappmaché gebastelte Ersatzwelt. Mit diesem Trick wollen sie endlich über die echte Erde herrschen. Das Regieren einer menschenleeren Erde finden sie dann aber doch ziemlich langweilig. (Text: Premiere)
Brain unter Druck
Mithilfe einer Druckerpresse stellt Brain Sammlerkarten für Kinder her. Wer einen kompletten Satz vorweisen kann, befindet sich unter seiner gedanklichen Kontrolle. So jedenfalls der Plan …
Prima, daß Pinky als abstakter Maler so großen Erfolg hat! Die Einnahmen kann Brain für seine finsteren Pläne sehr gut gebrauchen …
Akte Z
Brain hofft, dass sein intergalaktischer Brieffreund Zalgar ihm hilft, die Welt zu erobern. Aber es stellt sich heraus, dass Zalgar gerne Gehirne nascht.
Die Mumie
Brain makes a tearjerker movie to make the world sad enough to make him leader.
Robin Brain
Animal rights activist think Pink and the Brain are monkeys and release them into the jungle after taking them out of Acme Labs. The pair try to make it back home, but run into the Brain's old enemy Snowball.
Pinky for President
A Little Off The Top: Brain tries to discover what makes the legendary Samson so strong. Megalomaniacs Anonymous: When Brain comes to the conclusion he no longer wants to take over the world, he decides to help others who had his problem and the first one to be helped is Pinky.
Brains Song
The Mummy: Brain gets a group of men to steal money from the rich (ala Robin Hood) to pay for his new plot. Robin Brain: Pinky and Brain get sealed in an Egyptian pyramid where a mummy is lurking about.
Willkommen im Dschungel
Two Mice and a Baby: Pinky and Brain stumble upon a super powered baby, who happened to arrive from an exploding alien world. The Maze: Pinky and Brain have to brave a virtual reality maze to find a microchip crucial to Brain's new plot.
Um Haaresbreite
The mice's future selves arrive in the lab, sending them on a roller coaster ride through time to find a world domination kit.
Die anonymen Megalomanen
Pinky and Brain's DNA get merged during a cloning experiment, creating a new mouse.
Zwei Mäuse und ein Baby
Pinky and Brain put together a basketball team as part of their next plan, but the fame may be swelling Brain's head.
Ein Käse am Ende des Tunnels
Pinky and Brain have to brave a virtual reality maze to find a microchip crucial to Brain's new plot.
Kommt Zeit kommt Brain
The mice's future selves arrive in the lab, sending them on a roller coaster ride through time to find a world domination kit.
Vater, Mutter, Klon
Pinky and Brain's DNA get merged during a cloning experiment, creating a new mouse.
Air Brain und Magic Pinky
Pinky and Brain put together a basketball team as part of their next plan, but the fame may be swelling Brain's head.
3. Staffel 3 (51 Episoden)
Bieber wär mir lieber
Brain enlists the aid of beavers to gain control over the flow of rivers.
The mice make a series of comedy films and hit the big time.
Pinky & Brain ... und Larry
Pinky and Brain have a new companion, Larry, but their newest plan just doesn't seem to pan out.
Rettet die Mausilopen
In their latest plan, Pinky and Brain try to take over the steel mills in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania by pretending to be a part of an endangered species called the Mousealopes.
Dampf den Filzhüten
It's 1946 and Brain's new plan gets interrupted when he and Pinky encounter Billie and Snowball.
Brains Fehlschlag
Brain gets caught up in winning a golf tournament, even though it interferes with his new plan.
Erde ruft Brain
After the Earth gets the power of speech from his Silitronlinguifactor device, Brain comes up with a new plan.
Die Blitzmerker
Brain tries to get a package meant for him back from his neighbor.
Guru Pinky
Pinky becomes a guru during the 1960s.
Überraschung, Überraschung
It's Brain's birthday and Pinky plans a surprise party.
Zum Glück in die Zukunft
After getting a glimpse of his future, Brain abandons his attempts to take over the world and gets a job as a ski instructor.
König der Tornados
The mice are looking to control tornados, but a pest keeps getting in their way.
Das Eroberer Lied
Brain sings about past and present world leaders' failures.
Ein Wink mit dem Scheunentor
The mice need to get into a mine, but have to pretend to join a Amish-type society.
Das Pinky Protokoll
Brain's latest plan is a conspiracy theory about why he is not ruling the world.
Mäuse Tanzen nicht
Brain becomes a tap dancer with steam-powered legs in order to spread a subliminal morse code at the World's Fair.
Neue Ideen braucht das Land
Brain is out of ideas for taking over the world, so he tries to get some from writers.
Brains Monster
Farmer Brain tries to grow an army of monster vegetables.
Brain creates a cloning machine and plans to clone himself in order to create the best Celtic dance troupe the world has ever seen.
Calvin Brain
Brain masquerades as a fashion designer.
Die Maus von Welt
Brain plans to use the Personalitron to give him irresistible charisma, but it winds up going to Pinky.
Eine tolle Horde eingebildeter Jodler
The mice learn of a secret organization, T.H.E.Y. (comprised of world leaders), and try to get in.
Das wahre Leben
A house needed for Brain's latest plot becomes the set of a reality series about the people living there. So the mice become participants to get in.
To save his Las Vegas casino, Brain works as a lounge singer.
In der Hölle ist der Teufel los
Mr. Itch offers Brain control of the world in exchange for his soul, but Brain refuses. In a shocking twist, Pinky sells his soul to make it happen and Brain soon decides to get his friend back.
Brain - Beschützer der Hippies
Brain assumes the identity of Briany Jack, a hippie leader, and tries to create a peace chain to send a subliminal message.
Zuhause in der Dose
Brain's attempt to control Emperor Franz Josef get side tracked when he talks about his problems with psychiatrist Dr. Sigmund Freud.
Sumo Brain
Brain enters the world of a sumo wrestling to acquire a paralyzing fish.
Das Wunderprojekt
Brain takes control of a satellite to air his infomercial around the world, but the satellite belongs to the military and they want to capture whoever hacked into their systems.
Operation Seelöwe
Brain takes control over aquatic mammals for his latest plan and Pinky falls for a female sea lion.
Hals und Zungenbruch
Brain tries to change the Earth's weather patterns.
Der Schneider und die Mäuse
A well-meaning tailor makes Pinky and Brain's lives miserable.
Ferien in Camp Davy
At a sleep away camp for world leaders' children, Brain tries to trick the children into placing listening devices in their parents' offices.
Pinky am Schlag
To release Brain's leather repellant, the mice become baseball players.
Episode 35
Brain's latest plan for world domination is the Schpiel-Borg 2000, which hosts a retrospective of past episodes.
Broadway Grusical
Pinky and Brain stage their own seperate musicals, which have varying degrees of success.
Brainie der Poo
Spoofing Winnie the Pooh, Brainie and Pinklet try to steal honey from a bee hive.
Omlett für Hamlett
Brain tries to create chaos in Hamlet's family and take over.
Viel Rauch um Nichts
Brain tries to become a national hero by taking down a tobacco company.
Taking the night off from trying to take over the world, Pinky and Brain try other things.
Beach Boy Brain
Brain tries to get surfers to put on his suntan lotion, Brain de Soleil, which creates a hypnotic effect.
Eine schreklich perfekte Familie
Brain enters Pinky's family in a contest to win $25,000.
Pinky Plan
Pinky has his own plan for world domination and Brain goes along with it.
Die Weltherrschaft und du
Brain explains why he should be leader in a mock educational film.
Mausetot in Hollywood
As network executives keep repeatedly changing their show, Pinky and Brain decide to quit.
Lehrer des Jahres
As he prepares his plan for world domination, Brain goes to work teaching rebellious students.
Kinder an die Macht
Pinky and Brain masquerade as a mother and child star respectively to get money needed for the next plan.
Sag nur Narf
Pinky sings a song about saying "narf".
Pinkys Perspektive
It's another usual night where Brain plans to take over the world, only it's seen from Pinky's point of view.
Der wirklich große Diktator
The mice sing about world domination.
Planet Brain
Brain opens a restaurant and feeds the customers a drug to make them smarter.
4. Staffel 4 (20 Episoden)
Gehirnwäsche Vorwaschgang (Teil 1/3)
Pinky and Brain are kidnapped in Washington, DC by an unknown force. Brain loses his memory and the mice are then imprisoned in a town where everyone is forced to perform the Schëerskåhøvên, which is dumbing down the entire country.
Gehirnwäsche Hauptwaschgang (Teil 2/3)
Brain regains his memory and the mice escape. They believe Snowball is responsible for the Schmëerskåhøvên, but him imprisoned in a mental institution.
Gehirnwäsche Schleudern (Teil 3/3)
The mice and Snowball search for the one who spliced their DNA, Dr. Mordough, thinking he's responsible for all this. But it turns out to be his cat, Precious, and time is running out.
Liebesgrüße aus Moskau
Pinky and Brain's plan to alter caviar with a mutating capsule is complicated by a Russian lab mouse.
Wem die Stunde schlägt
Brain plots to make every clock on Earth chime repeatedly.
Wiedersehen macht Freude
A special of highlights of their career is on the air, but it's really all a ruse so Pinky and Brain can hypnotize the viewers.
Das Ende einer Legende
Inspired by legends of the past, Brain tries to create a legend about himself to gain world acclaim.
Projekt B.R.A.I.N.
How Acme Labs became home to Pinky and Brain.
Die Macht der Fratze
In the series finale of Pinky and the Brain, the Brain, and the characters from Animaniacs develop a Star Wars spoof.
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

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