I Kissed a Girl
21.05.2024 • 01:25 - 02:10 Uhr
Unterhaltung, Dateshow
I Kissed a Girl
Unterhaltung, Dateshow

I Kissed a Girl

A tense Kiss-Off continues with Abbie and Lisha standing back to back. Will they choose to continue their time as a couple or call it quits on a summer of love? Once the girls have made their choices and couples have formed, Dannii reveals a shocking twist. Priya and Naee were previously named the "strongest" couple, and that title now comes with a huge responsibility. They have a big decision to make that will change the fate of others. Panic ripples through the Masseria as tough choices are made. Priya and Naee's decision causes friction in the Masseria... which leads to a very frosty group discussion. An emotional night finally comes to a close, and new couples push their beds together. As the sun rises on the Masseria, a new day has not cleared away the tension as the atmosphere is still beyond awkward between some of the girls. Thankfully, an upfront and honest chat in the kitchen finally clears the air. To cheer everyone up and bring some much-needed fun back into the Masseria, the girls throw their own sports day! A good old-fashioned egg and spoon race gets everybody back on track - harmony is restored! Sara enters the Masseria to deliver a very exciting message: tonight, the girls will enjoy a party - VIP style! The red carpet is rolled out, and the girls dress up as their favourite queer icons! As the group dance the night away, Dannii makes a surprise appearance at the party - the twists and turns just keep coming! The girls are in total shock as she welcomes not one, but two new girls into the Masseria. New girls Thea and Hannah crash the party and make quite the entrance. But Thea isn't a new face to all of the girls - it seems she might know one of them already. An old flame could seriously ruffle new feathers! The group decide to make the new girls feel welcome Masseria-style with a game of spin the bottle. And to make things even more interesting, girls have to kiss someone they are not coupled with. Could this wreak havoc amongst our couples? New girls Thea and Hannah waste no time in marking their territory. The new girls send shockwaves around the Masseria. And as the chemistry is at boiling point, the night closes with some very worried girls, concerned that their relationships could be in jeopardy.

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