30.04.2024 • 22:00 - 23:00 Uhr
Unterhaltung, Kochshow
MasterChef UK
Unterhaltung, Kochshow


MasterChef 2024 has reached the final week of heats, and this time there's a twist. To celebrate the 20th anniversary, ten familiar faces have been invited back to battle for the title for the second time in Comeback Week. They will face two challenges specially designed to see just how much they have progressed since their last visit. This is an opportunity that none of them will want to waste, as only the best six will earn a place in the last quarter-final. The first five re-enter the MasterChef arena hoping to redeem themselves. It won't be an easy ride, as John and Gregg want to see how far they have come by way of their two best plates. Each dish will need to demonstrate top-notch execution and exquisite flavours. The comeback crew include a fire-breathing circus performer and a DJ, so creativity and performance from the group should get off to a flying start. All five will need to keep their wits about them as they head straight into their next task, and this time it's all about the classics - think beef bourguignon, a roast dinner or even fish and chips. They will need to produce one dish based on a classic of any origin that captures its essence and demonstrates why it is so loved. Can the competitors turn the traditional up a notch, or will they push things too far? Joining the judges will be one of the country's most exciting cookery talents and a past MasterChef: The Professionals finalist - Matthew Ryle. Matthew is not only trained in the classics, but is now executive chef at Maison François in London, where he delivers a menu that celebrates classic cookery at the highest level. He's also taken his cookery prowess online and has achieved a following of over 1.6 million. The comeback contestants will need to pull out all the stops if they want to live up to Matthew's expectations. With every morsel scrutinised, the final decision will be left to John and Gregg, who will pick their best three cooks of the night. They will head into this week's quarter-final, while the other two will experience déjà vu and say goodbye.

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