20.05.2024 • 21:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Unterhaltung, Kochshow
MasterChef UK
Unterhaltung, Kochshow


The finalists jet across the globe for the trip of a lifetime to Singapore - a country of six million, brimming with diverse cuisines and cultures. They start their adventure in one of the bustling hawker markets - the place to come if you want to sample the vast array of street food that fuels Singaporeans daily. The amateurs will need to get over any jet lag sharpish, as John and Gregg are already there, ready with their first challenge. Under the guidance of the godfather of Singapore heritage cuisine, chef Damian D'Silva, they will work in teams to cook traditional dishes for the people who know them best - the locals. Hawker markets form part of this multicultural society where the cuisine has flourished with foods from all neighbouring regions, including China, India and Malaysia. The dishes to deliver are complex and can take years to master. Are the finalists up to the job? Sizzling woks await as they attempt to turn out a meal that the hawker regulars will never forget. After a well-earned sleep, the final four will be back on the road as they head to the city's stunning botanical gardens, the perfect setting for one of Singapore's most renowned restaurants - Pangium. This is the second venture by chef Malcolm Lee, who already has a Michelin star to his name. Here, he delivers a spectacular high-end menu that has its roots firmly based in the region's unique shared cultural heritage. The finalists will each have the honour of preparing one of Malcolm's dishes for an exclusive lunchtime service. The pressure is truly on as Malcom's mum and wife will also be popping in for lunch. This whirlwind of a trip doesn't end there, as there's one more chance to impress. Inspired by their experience so far, the finalists will now have the chance to create their own menu. They will host a VIP lunch at the five-star Fullerton Bay Hotel for some of the island's leading culinary figures, including their mentors, Damian and Malcolm. Will they manage to stamp their own personality on dishes that will wow this illustrious crowd? No one is leaving yet, but John and Gregg will be watching their every move. Soon, they will decide who becomes the next MasterChef champion.

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