The Cleveland Show

SERIE • 4 Staffeln • Animation, Komödie • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2009


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In diesem Spin-Off der Serie „Family Guy“ zieht der frisch geschiedene Cleveland Brown zusammen mit seinem Sohn Cleveland Junior zurück in seine Heimatstadt nach Stoolbend, Virginia. Dort trifft er zufällig seine alte Flamme Donna Tubbs, die ebenfalls in Trennung lebt und ihre beiden Kinder Roberta und Rallo allein erzieht. Sie stellen fest, dass sie noch immer ineinander verknallt sind, ziehen zusammen und heiraten. Und dann sind da noch alte und neue Freunde, merkwürdige Südstaaten-Nachbarn und ein sprechender Bär …

The Cleveland Show
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Deutsch, Polnisch, Englisch, Französisch, Ungarisch, Italienisch
Mike Henry, Sanaa Lathan, Nia Long, Kevin Michael Richardson, Seth MacFarlane
Deutsch, Polnisch, Englisch, Französisch, Ungarisch, Italienisch


1. Staffel 1 (21 Episoden)
Cleveland Browns Scheidung wird offiziell, und er macht sich mit Cleveland Jr. auf den Weg in den Westen. Unterwegs trifft er in seiner Heimatstadt auf seine erste Liebe und beginnt schließlich ein neues Leben mit Donna und ihren Kindern.
Tanz mit der Tochter
Weder Roberta noch Rallo akzeptieren Cleveland als ihren Stiefvater. Er tut alles, um sie für sich zu gewinnen, und überfährt dabei versehentlich den Hund der Familie, was sein Vorhaben in Gefahr bringt.
Dicke Freunde
Cleveland trifft auf Ernie, den vernachlässigten Sohn der Nachbarn, der sich schnell mit Cleveland Jr. anfreundet. Doch Ernie will bei ihnen einziehen, und Cleveland muss das Jugendamt um Hilfe bitten, damit Ernie wieder nach Hause geht.
Ein geborener Geschäftsmann
Tim besorgt Cleveland einen Job in seiner Firma, und der steigt schnell zum besten Verkäufer auf. Tim wird so neidisch auf Clevelands Erfolg, dass er ihm schlimme Dinge an den Hals wünscht.
Cleveland Juniors Unschuld
Cleveland versucht, Roberta über die Gefahren von Sex unter Teenagern aufzuklären, doch sie ignoriert seine Ratschläge. Cleveland Jr. hingegen nimmt ihn sehr ernst und gelobt Enthaltsamkeit, weshalb ganz Stoolbend über ihn lacht.
Cleveland versucht, Donna dazu zu bringen, sich mit den Ehefrauen seiner Freunde anzufreunden. Doch sie trifft sich lieber heimlich mit den alleinerziehenden Müttern aus ihrer Selbsthilfegruppe und verheimlicht ihre Ehe.
Thanksgiving bei den Browns
Cleveland feiert zum ersten Mal Thanksgiving mit seiner neuen Familie. Doch sie bekommen überraschend Besuch von seinen Eltern und Donnas Tante Momma, was den Haushalt der Browns ganz schön durcheinanderwirbelt.
Cleveland Jr. und Roberta machen einen Schulausflug nach Washington. Donna und Cleveland freuen sich auf die Zeit zu zweit, doch Rallo will sich als Mann im Haus behaupten.
A Cleveland Brown Christmas
When Cleveland fills in as Santa Claus at his office holiday party, he has one too many eggnogs and lets the truth slip about Rallo’s father.
Der Baseballtrainer
Cleveland hilft als Trainer seiner alten Highschool-Baseballmannschaft aus und holt sein altes Trikot aus dem Schrank. Damit will er Cleveland Jr. überzeugen, lieber Baseball zu spielen als der Mathe-AG beizutreten
Achterbahn der Gefühle
Robertas Aushilfslehrerin ist genervt von ihren Flirtversuchen und will ihr mit einem Fatsuit eine Lektion erteilen, doch Cleveland Jr. verliebt sich in sie. Cleveland und seine Freunde wollen ihre neue Achterbahn verkaufen.
Die Gang
Cleveland kümmert sich um eine Gruppe jugendlicher Straftäter. Er will ihnen helfen, begeht jedoch einen dummen Fehler und bekommt Ärger mit einer ansässigen Gang. Die wilden Teenager stehen ihm zur Seite.
Heimliches Vergnügen
Cleveland findet heraus, dass Holts Freundin eine teure Gummipuppe ist. Also organisiert er für ihn ein Date mit einer Kollegin, doch die stellt sich als etwas zu heißblütig heraus.
Junior, der Barkeeper
Cleveland bringt Jr. dazu, sich einen Job zu suchen. Den findet er im The Stool, und Cleveland ist unglaublich stolz. Doch dann sorgt Jr. für einige positive Veränderungen, die Cleveland überhaupt nicht gefallen.
Flitterwochen in New York
Cleveland nimmt seine Freunde mit in die schon lange fälligen Flitterwochen mit Donna in New York. Doch die laufen nicht so wie geplant.
Ritter Brown
Als Cleveland und Donna am Geldautomaten überfallen werden, wird Cleveland von der ganzen Stadt als Held gefeiert. Aber nur, bis ans Licht kommt, was wirklich geschehen ist.
Vom Winde verweht
Donna verordnet Cleveland wegen seiner hohen Cholesterinwerte eine ballaststoffreiche Diät, von der er furchtbare Blähungen bekommt. Als er vom Tod seiner Exfrau erfährt, erleidet er außerdem einen Zusammenbruch.
Brüderliche Liebe
Cleveland Jr. verliebt sich in eine Mitschülerin und tritt gegen den Hip-Hop-König (Kenny West) von Stoolbend an, um ihr Herz für sich zu gewinnen. Cleveland und Terry verdienen sich währenddessen etwas dazu.
Die Geschichte der Browns
Rallo erfährt in der Schule mehr über seine Herkunft und überzeugt Cleveland, dass Lester ein Rassist ist. Cleveland und Lester landen deshalb vor Gericht, aber ausgerechnet Rallo stellt den Frieden wieder her.
Drei Engel für Cleveland
Cleveland verzockt versehentlich das Geld für Robertas College und sucht sich einen Job im Big Nugget Casino, um es zurückzugewinnen. Als er erfährt, dass er betrogen worden ist, schickt er Donna, Arianna und Kendra auf geheime Mission.
Cleveland Brown ist Trauzeuge
Clevelands Eltern wollen noch einmal heiraten, aber Cleveland findet die Vorstellung schrecklich … bis ihn sein Vater bittet, Trauzeuge zu sein. Als er dann durch Donnas Ex ersetzt wird, nimmt er sich der Sache persönlich an.
2. Staffel 2 (22 Episoden)
Härter, Besser, Schneller, Cleveland Brown
Cleveland takes a struggling rapper (Kanye West) under his wing and, together, they write and record a new hit single.
Live auf Sendung
"Cleveland Live!" is the second episode of the second season of the animated television series The Cleveland Show, airing on October 3, 2010 on Fox. In this episode, Cleveland and Donna attempt to celebrate their anniversary, their unruly kids and disruptive friends, including Donna’s ex-husband, Robert, get in their way. The episode is presented as though it were being performed live to air, and contains numerous glitches which are presented as genuine mistakes but which are, of course, entirely scripted.
Unterwegs nach Afrika
After his confidence is shattered, Cleveland plans a family vacation to Africa.
Cleveland Jr. tries to become a "cool kid" and attend a Halloween party, when he is told he is too old to trick-or-treat. Meanwhile Rallo eats too much candy.
Kleiner Mann ganz groß
Coach Cleveland gets greedy to win the high school baseball state championship game and turns to cheating when his star pitcher goes out for the season.
Überschüssiges Fett
Cleveland Jr. and Kendra, ashamed of their appearance in a swimsuit, feel left out of the fun when the family spends an afternoon in the pool and petition to pass a bill to grant equal rights for those who are overweight. Disgruntled by their defeat in the polls, Junior and Kendra flee to Wisconsin, a land where they feel more free and accepted, and Cleveland and Lester vow to bring them back to where they belong.
Thanksgiving wird noch schlimmer
The Brown family spends Thanksgiving in Las Vegas.
Das Hanukkah-Fest
When Rallo's teacher forces him to spend the weekend at a retirement home to get to know the senior citizens during the holidays, he meets Murray, who teaches him about Hanukkah. In an attempt to rekindle Murray's holiday spirit, Rallo helps him escape, but when his new friend's health begins to suffer, Rallo has to bring Murray back to the home. Meanwhile, Cleveland trains for a boxing match against his bully of a father, Freight Train, which ends with some bumps and bruises.
Die Kneipentour
Donna, frustrated by her husband's laziness on the weekends, nags Cleveland to help her around the house and to do something more with his life. To prove to Donna he can be as charitable as her, Cleveland recruits his buddies from Quahog and Stoolbend to participate in the First Annual Charity Beer Walk. When Donna gets injured at the event, Cleveland has to take over the housework.
At Donna's suggestion, Cleveland and Rallo start spending more time together; Cleveland Jr. becomes jealous of Rallo and Cleveland's new relationship.
Roberta löst Probleme
"How Do You Solve a Problem Like Roberta?" is the eleventh episode of the second season of the American animated television sitcom The Cleveland Show. It aired on Fox in the United States on January 16, 2011. The episode had guest appearances by Wilmer Valderrama and cast members of the show Glee. In this episode, After Cleveland criticizes her parenting skills, Donna lets him deal with Roberta by himself. This episode came in third with 5.5 million viewers beating American Dad! and Bob's Burgers.
Der neue Chef
Cleveland is upset when Tim gets a promotion over him at Waterman Cable, so he tries to sabotage him. Meanwhile, Rallo takes advantage of Cleveland Jr. when he realizes that he thinks that Rallo's turtle can talk.
Winzig klein und riesengroß
Cleveland and Donna celebrate Valentine’s Day with a trip to Los Angeles after scoring courtside seats to the all-star basketball game. Caught up in the excitement, Cleveland gets rowdy and talks smack to the players from the sideline throughout the game. The basketball champs, feeling hurt, seek revenge by paying a surprise visit to Stoolbend and putting Cleveland in his place.
Terry, der Junggeselle
Cleveland discovers a shocking secret about his wife & his best friend Terry. Meanwhile, Cleveland Jr. tries to get Rallo to break a nasty habit.
Der Blaue, der Graue und der Braune
After Cleveland fights to save the town’s drive-in movie theater, his efforts to preserve the town’s history is noticed by the Stoolbend Preservation Society and he is invited to attend a private dinner party at the home of the great-great-grandson of the town’s founding father. While at the event, Cleveland learns of the town’s legacy and decides to take back his beloved town.
So ist das Leben
When Cleveland sees all of his childhood possessions around town, he learns that his parents, Freight Train and Cookie, have been selling his stuff to get money after being scammed out of their life savings. Together, Cleveland, Freight Train and their friends get together to bring down the con man who targeted their family. Meanwhile, Rallo gets a toy Mr. Microphone and tries his hand at being a commentator, announcer and stand-up comic
Leben und sterben in Virginia
When Lester invests in Cleveland's beer truck business and loses his life savings, he is so upset that he decides to take his own life - or does he? Meanwhile, Rallo is tired of getting his hair cut by his mom and opens his own barbershop in the kitchen.
Typisch Cleveland
When Cleveland is reunited with his former high school classmate, "Fatty Patty," who is now skinny, beautiful and still has a crush on Cleveland, Donna becomes extremely jealous and wary of Patty's motives for wanting to be friends with Cleveland. Patty turns out to be a little crazy, and after she tries to steal Cleveland's "essence," Donna goes on the hunt to stop her.
Cleveland and his friends prepare to enter Stoolbend's annual boat race as a team, but when Cleveland's celebrity idol moves to town, Cleveland makes it priority to befriend him. And when his new pal invites him to join his boating team, Cleveland is forced to make a difficult decision. Meanwhile, Roberta gets wrapped up in her dreams of being a superstar.
Die Coolympiade
When Cleveland Jr. bonds with Donna's ex-husband, Robert, Cleveland becomes jealous that Jr. thinks Robert is so much cooler than him. In order to prove how cool he is to his son, Cleveland challenges Robert to a "Coolympics" competition.
Die beste Show aller Zeiten
When Rallo and his pals Bernard and Theodore perform in the school talent show, their rap about fiscal responsibility is not well-received by their classmates. Meanwhile, after Cleveland gets his own cable-access television show, the reviews are less than positive so he takes some tips from the most successful daytime talk shows that appeal to women.
Der Filmstar
Cleveland creates his own comic book superhero and takes the entire family to a comic book convention in San Diego, where he discovers that Donna was once the star of a blaxploitation film.
3. Staffel 3 (22 Episoden)
Beste Freunde
Cleveland finds out who his real friends are.
Der Hurrikan
When a storm hits Stoolbend, the Brown/Tubbs family tries to salvage what's left of their vacation. Meanwhile, Cleveland Jr. shocks everyone with a proclamation of his religious beliefs. The crossover continues on Family Guy S10E02 Seahorse Seashell Party (II) and American Dad! S08E02 Hurricane! (III).
Ein absoluter Albtraum
Cleveland and Rallo get scared at slumber parties, and when they come home Donna makes them spend the night in a haunted house to prove their bravery.
Heute wird geschwänzt
Cleveland feels like his life is over after Cleveland Jr. stands up to him and kicks his ass. Meanwhile, Rallo tries to not get caught after a hit-and-run accident with Kendra.
Auf in den Jemen
Cleveland poses as a woman as part of his plan to get Donna to appreciate him more, while Rallo uses Cleveland Jr. and his baby harness to get revenge on a playground bully.
Die neue Freundin
Rallo suspicions that Murray's new girlfriend is a gold digger are confirmed, but not before it's too late, and Cleveland finds a shortcut to working out and improving his body to impress Donna.
Stirb halbwegs langsam
Cleveland is uncomfortable when Cleveland Jr. begins dating a Mexican girl who is hotter than his wife. But things get even worse when he marries her to keep her from being deported.
Cleveland tries to become more racially sensitive after Choni moves into the neighborhood, and Cleveland Jr. becomes jealous after he agrees to set up his new wife on a date with a classmate.
Der Tanzwettbewerb
Donna dumps Cleveland as her partner in a dance competition in favor of Cleveland Jr., so Cleveland vows revenge. But things become awkward when Cleveland Jr. wants to bring their partnership to another level.
Die Zaubershow
Cleveland and Rallo create a successful ventriloquist act, but their partnership falls apart after Cleveland takes all the credit.
Vorübergehende Taubheit
Cleveland temporarily loses his hearing after a hunting accident but soon discovers a new way to gain Donna's affection, while Roberta decides to run for student body president against incumbent Cleveland Jr..
Das Shrimp-Boot
Cleveland winds up in rehab after he becomes addicted to energy pills. But when he leaves rehab to go on a cruise, he winds up being kidnapped by Somali pirates instead.
Die Vaterfigur
Cleveland becomes jealous of Freight Train's relationship with Cleveland Jr., so he finds a way to get back at him. Meanwhile, Rallo buys a classic Mustang off the Internet and goes out joyriding.
Die Männer in mir
Cleveland tries to win tickets to a Justin Bieber concert and gets labeled "The Whitest Black Man in America." He later discovers that his "whiteness" is the result of being partly raised by a white nanny.
Das Video
A hip-hop producer comes to Stoolbend after a video featuring Cleveland goes viral. But instead of signing Cleveland, he decides he wants Cleveland's life for himself.
Schluss mit den Faxen
After Rallo's prank results in Cleveland Jr. Getting kicked out of the scouts, Cleveland launches an elaborate plan to teach him a lesson.
Der Chef auf dem Campus
Cleveland takes Roberta on a recruiting trip to his alma mater so that he can go to homecoming and relive his glory days, while Cleveland Jr. tries to find a replacement for Larry the Leopard.
Der Herr sei mit dir
Cleveland Jr. pretends to be Christian to get a beautiful girl, but soon discovers that he has an equally deceptive competitor. Meanwhile, Cleveland and Donna lie to a disabled veteran to spare his feelings.
Ein Griff ins Klo
Cleveland tries to redeem himself in the eyes of his son and family after an embarrassing toilet accident, and Rallo finally becomes tall enough to ride a roller coaster.
Cleveland's plan to bring in an actress to play Donna's long-lost mother backfires on him, but actually brings Donna's real mom out of hiding.
Iss, so viel du kannst
An image makeover helps Cleveland Jr. get a date to the prom, but his date thinks that he's a lesbian.
4. Staffel 4 (23 Episoden)
Flucht aus Goochland
Cleveland and the gang head to their rival high school for an annual football game; Donna's sexy Halloween costume lands her in trouble with the police.
Der Geheimbund
Cleveland confronts Kenny West about not sharing credit on the hit song they created together and discovers a secret hip-hop society; Cleveland Jr. starts a polka band.
Thanksgiving ist für alle da
Holt uses Rallo to pick up women; Cleveland opens a pub at the airport; Holt and his father must help drunken Cleveland land the plane he is flying.
Die Truthahnfarm
Cleveland takes Junior to a turkey farm to kill Thanksgiving dinner, but instead, they try to free the birds; Rallo and Donna build a parade float.
Der kleine Unterschied
When Donna decides she wants another baby, Cleveland realizes he must keep his vasectomy a secret; Rallo gets the lead role in a community production of "Annie."
Die Entschuldigung
Cleveland pretends to be homeless when he discovers that the food served at a local shelter is better than it is at home; Roberta is hired to be a Christmas elf in a store owned by a man who makes Santa's helpers wear sexy outfits.
Der neue Bruder
When Donna's ex-husband crashes Freight Train's birthday party, Freight Train decides to adopt him; Rallo and Junior track down lost dogs to collect the rewards.
Rund um die Welt
In a mob-style parody in Italy, Cleveland must pick Rallo or Cleveland Jr. as his successor; Cleveland Jr. insists on having a Quinceañera in Mexico; Cleveland builds a robot.
Eine bestechende Lösung
Donna makes Cleveland go to marriage counseling after he messes up their wedding vow renewal; Junior's refrigerator breaks.
Geliebte Cookie
Cleveland's mom, Cookie, runs away with George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars; Cleveland Jr. engages in an elaborate fantasy at an office-supply store.
Die Kündigung
Cleveland struggles to tell Donna that he took a severance offer and quit his job; Rallo finds a new man for Roberta.
Der Volltreffer
When Rallo starts getting a big head over his bowling prowess, Donna tells him little kids don't have skills; Cleveland, Lester, Holt and Terry try to spice up their friendship.
Das neue Haustier
When Donna finds a rat in the house, she takes the kids and stays with her mother, but Cleveland forms an attachment to the creature; Rallo and Jr. play spies.
Der Wahlkampf
Donna tries to keep Cleveland out of her campaign as she runs for a spot on the school board; Junior learns he is an incredible diver, but is afraid of wearing the school's uniform -- a tiny bathing suit.
Der Traum von Kalifornien
When the Browns move to Los Angeles, Cleveland pursues his dream of becoming a major league baseball scout; Donna and the kids become enamoured with L.A.'s glitzy lifestyle.
Die Suche nach dem Täter
After Arianna is rude to Donna, Cleveland seeks revenge by egging Arianna's house; when Cleveland starts seeking revenge on more people, things get out of hand and he's accused of a murder he did not commit.
Freundschaft mit Dr. Fist
After Cleveland brings Dr. Fist into his group, he learns he has ties to the mob; Junior and Rallo open up a food truck.
Die Ehre der Pfadfinder
Donna makes Rallo sign up for the Freedom Squirts -- Stoolbend's version of the Boy Scouts; Donna and Cleveland win a romantic hotel getaway.
Gefahr im Verzug
During a weekend at Robert's apartment in East Stoolbend, Rallo befriends tough kids in the neighborhood; Cleveland and his friends enjoy spending time at the lush Stoolbend cemetery.
Die Läuseplage
A lice outbreak at school forces Rallo to cut his hair; Cleveland watches Freight Train and Cookie's house for a weekend.
Das Ehepaar Brown
Donna is unhappy when Cleveland and Cookie are mistaken for a couple; when Rallo steals a candy bar, he tries to pin the crime on Junior.
Die Messe
When Freight Train invites Cleveland to the Lowrider Convention, Dr. Fist suggests the unexpected behavior may be the result of dementia.
Cleveland and Donna become overwhelmed with the kids’ hectic schedules.